Training Hub’s Roadmap

Becoming the national go-to-place for technology- and data-driven lifelong learning


In this roadmap, stretching over the next decade, a 10 year period between 2023 to 2033, we describe how the Training Hub will leverage SciLifeLab knowledge, skills and expertise and transform this into openly available and FAIR (Findable, Applicable, Interoperable, Re-usable) training and lifelong learning for the benefit of Swedish life science community and beyond.

Training Hub’s Pillars

Support: technical infrastructure and organisation
Standards: quality assurance
Community: trainers and learners

Training Hub’s strategic objectives

1. Establishing a coherent Training Platform infrastructure, by seamlessly integrating technical services and resources
The ultimate goal of this objective is to build a system of connected services, creating an Openly available Training Platform infrastructure that could be effectively used by the broad life science community.

2. Building knowledge and skills across the SciLifeLab ecosystem with openly available and FAIR training collections
This objective captures the knowledge base and delivery mechanisms needed for engaging both to the internal SciLifeLab ecosystem as well as external SciLifeLab ecosystem, where the deliveries and outputs of the Training Hub Tasks (such as the training infrastructure, the various structures, best-practices and guidelines etc) are actively used and adopted.

3. Quality and assurance: Promoting standards and best practices for Open Science, Open Education and FAIR
As part of setting out to become an established and recognised lifelong learning provider in Sweden for the technology- and data-driven life science community, this objective captures the need to continue to develop standards and best practices for Open Science and Open Education.

4. Establish a sustainable organisation dedicated to training
This objective is closely linked to the other objectives as it captures the People infrastructure aspects of training, both with regards to the Training Hubs core central organisation and operations and its connection to key-enabler groups such as Infrastructure platforms, SciLifeLab sites, Capabilities and SciLifeLab management.

Last updated: 2025-02-14

Content Responsible: Hampus Persson(