Affinity Proteomics
Twitter: @plasmaprofiling
The Unit of Affinity Proteomics offers a long-standing expertise in the analysis of human body fluids, cells, and tissue lysates. We also provide analysis of protein-protein interactions and activation in situ or in tissues. Our services aim to support researchers and clinicians in the fields of translational and personalized medicine providing access to an exquisite infrastructure to apply cutting edge immunoassays technologies for multiplexed protein quantification.
With our expertise, we support biomarker studies from discovery to validation, in a large number of samples and a variety of human conditions. Our services include all aspects such as study design, selection of antibodies, data processing and we also develop alternative assays tailored for the specific needs of the user’s projects.
Do you want to learn more about our technologies? Do you have an exciting project idea?
CONTACT US to discuss the optimal solutions for you!
The Affinity Proteomics-Stockholm is now part of the Biomarker platform within the European infrastructure for translational medicine (EATRIS). EATRIS is a non-profit European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) which aims to facilitates collaboration among researchers, physicians, and developers and supports the establishment of multidisciplinary projects in the field of personalized medicine.
plasma profiling unit
- Olink Explore HT, for the analysis of 5400+ proteins in only 2 µl sample, is now available at the Uppsala node
- In 2023 the Stockholm’s lab as been reconstructed and now is qualified as BSL 2
- A new system for high-throughput processing of volumetric dried blood spots is now available (PA496,Capitainer®)
- Acquisition of the Quanterix SPX Imaging and Analysis System Instrument for ultrasensitive chemokine/cytokines quantification
Highly multiplexed and high-throughput protein profiling of human body fluids, cells tissue and extra vesicles lysates
- Proximity Extension Assays (Certified service provider for Olink Proteins AB)
Target 96, Target 48, Flex and Focus (Stockholm and Uppsala)
Explore HT 5400+ and Explore 384-3072 (Uppsala, contact: - Multiplexed sandwich immunoassay (Commercial kits for Luminex System up to 40 targets) (Stockholm)
Advanced protein quantification in body fluids and cell/tissue lysates
- Automated microfluidic immunoassays (ProteinSimple) (Stockholm)
- Ultrasensitive immunoassays (Quanterix®) (Stockholm)
- MesoScale’s ECL products (Meso Scale Discovery) (Uppsala)
- Development of novel quantitative immunoassays (Homebrew Luminex and Quanterix® systems ) (Stockholm)
- Customized proximity extension (PEA) and proximity ligation assays (PLA) with dual and triple antibody recognition (Uppsala)
Protein analysis in fixed cells, tissue sections and extracellular vesicles
- Commercial in situ PLA assays (Navinci Diagnostics) (Uppsala)
- Development of customized PLA assays to detect proteins interactions and/or post-translational modifications
in tissue (imaging), cells in suspension and extracellular vesicles(flow-cytometry) (Uppsala) - Application of PLA sensitivity and specificity of Western blot (Uppsala)
Consultation for immunoassays
- Selection of antibodies targets (access to 50000 antibodies from the Human Protein Atlas (HPA)) (Stockholm)
- Antibody validation (Stockholm)
- Multiplexed assessment of optimal antibody pairs (Luminex System) (Stockholm)
Experimental design and data analysis
- Study design (Stockholm and Uppsala)
- Processing and analysis of affinity proteomics data (Stockholm and Uppsala)
- Statistical and bioinformatics analysis pipeline (Stockholm and Uppsala)
- High-throughput, exploratory protein profiling of human body fluids
- Biomarkers discovery and validation in large sample cohorts
- Robust protein quantification for candidate biomarkers
- analysis of proteins interactions and/or post-translational modifications in cells and tissues
- Development of novel immunoassays concepts
- Antibody validation and selectivity analysis
Project prioritization and cost model
Project prioritization: The unit provides service for clinical and translational research on a first-come
first-served basis. Projects with principal investigators from Swedish Universities are prioritized over
projects from non-Swedish universities and industry. Collaborative development projects are
prioritized based on the expected importance of the development work for future research service
projects or healthcare applications. Project requests are typically directed to a specific node
depending on the research question and what assay to use.
Cost models: Academic users benefit from a subsidized cost including assay dependent reagents,
and a user fee, including instrument related cost and consumables. An hourly fee can be added for experimental work
exceeding the normal cost for the assay. For industry we apply a full-cost model, always including hourly fee. Collaborative projects can be further subsidized or covered by joint grants.
- 50,000 antibodies from the Human Protein Atlas project
Analytical equipment
- 2x FLEXMAP 3D, Luminex®
- LX200, Luminex®
- MAGPIX, Luminex®
- ELLA, ProteinSimple®,
- Biomark HD, Fluidigm®
- SIMOA SR-X, Quanterix®
- SIMOA SP-X Imaging and Analysis System, Quanterix®
- MESO QuickPlex SQ 120MM imager, Mesoscale®
- MESO SECTOR S 600MM imager, Mesoscale®
- CytoFLEX S Violet-Blue-Yellow Green-Red (V-B-Y-R)
- Olink Explore (SPT Mosquito and Dragonfly dispensers, EpMotion liquid handler, NovaSeq 6000 sequencer, Hamilton Stars, NovaSeq X, ProFlex PCRs) (ExploreLab, in collaboration with NGI Uppsala)
- Olink Signature Q100
- QuantStudio6 Flex Real-Time PCR Systems with 96 and 384 interchangeable blocks. Applied Biosystems
- C1 Single-Cell Auto Prep system, Fluidigm®
- Epifluorescence microscopes: fully automated stages on Zeiss Axio Imager Z2 and Leica DMi8
- Molecular Devices MetaExpress automated scanning microscope.
Samples handling equipment
- FLUENT, Tecan
- 2x EVO150, Tecan
- SELMA, CyBio®
- PA496 Pre-analytical Automation for qDBS analysis, Capitainer®
Magnetic bead handling equipment
- KingFisher Flex, Thermo
- EL406 Washer Dispenser, Biotek
- 405 LS and TS, Biotek
- Simoa Microplate Washer system, Quanterix®
Using our services
Write a brief project proposal to our contact emails above.
Mailing Address
Affinity Proteomics Stockholm
Box 1031 Scilifelab
171 21 Solna
Affinity Proteomics Uppsala
Box 392
Biomedical Center, BMC
751 06 Uppsala
Visiting Address / Deliveries
Affinity Proteomics Stockholm
Contact person for deliveries:
Maryam Sahi
Tomtebodavägen 23A/B
Scilifelab 171 65 Solna
Affinity Proteomics Uppsala
Contact person for deliveries: Cecilia Kriegholm
Husargatan 3, Entrance C11
Biomedical Center, BMC 752 37 Uppsala