Event call 2025

SciLifeLab infrastructure and SciLifeLab Group leaders are invited to apply for financial support for a SciLifeLab event in 2025

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Application form (Anubis)

Please send technical questions about the Application system Anubis to datacentre@scilifelab.se and questions about the event call to events@scilifelab.se

Aim and scope of the call

SciLifeLab’s overall mission is to enable life science research in Sweden beyond what is possible for an individual researcher, a university, or a research discipline.

Therefore, SciLifeLab aims to support events within the scope of our fields of research, open to participants from all over Sweden. We aim to encourage collaboration among and between SciLifeLab infrastructure and researchers, as well as with external organizations, and increase awareness of SciLifeLab to the broader research community in Sweden and abroad. A SciLifeLab infrastructure platform/unit or a SciLifeLab group leader must be the organizer or a visible co-organizer.

Contact: events@scilifelab.se

What we offer

  • Fund up to 50% of a realistic budget cost, but no more than 100,000 SEK for one event.
  • Advertise the SciLifeLab event on https://www.scilifelab.se/events/
  • Advertise the event in the newsletter, on SciLifeLab digital screens, and via e-mail.
  • Provide a participant registration system, which gives the organizers real-time updates about the registration, including an event evaluation tool. This does not include handling registration fees.
  • Provide advice regarding event project management, project plan, and general tips to the organizing committee.

We expect the event organizers to provide us with the necessary information, i.e., speakers, event dates, program, etc., at least 90-60 days before the event.

Note: The main organizer´s department should be the recipient of all invoices, pay all costs and keep the financial control. The main organizer will requisition the granted sum (or the actual costs, if the event was less expensive than expected) from SciLifeLab after the event is carried out. The requisition form, including the financial outcome, must be sent to the SciLifeLab Operations Office during 2025, or if the event was carried out at the end of the year, before March 2026.

The organizers are responsible for all other tasks not mentioned above. They must have one person responsible for being the contact person for the SciLifeLab Operations Office. We will stay in touch throughout the process to facilitate a well-organized event for organizers and participants.

Download SciLifeLab Event Templates

Who can apply?

Criteria to apply for SciLifeLab Event support

To receive SciLifeLab event support, the event must:

  • Focus on SciLifeLab research areas and SciLifeLab technologies.
  • Have a national focus, and accept participants from all over Sweden.
  • Be organized in Sweden.
  • Be organized by one or more members from a SciLifeLab infrastructure platform/unit or a SciLifeLab Group leader.
  • Prominently feature SciLifeLab in advertisements (nationally) and during the event.
  • Have co-funding for the event. 
  • Be at least a full-day event.

To receive SciLifeLab event support, the event is encouraged to:

  • Have a geographical distribution of speakers 
  • Be a collaborative organization among and between SciLifeLab infrastructure and researchers or with an external organization.
  • Involve relevant SciLifeLab platforms/units in the meeting
  • Include “user case” speakers from all over Sweden in infrastructure-organized events.
  • Be an interdisciplinary meeting.

Evaluation process

Important dates:

  • Application opens: May 27, 2024
  • Application closes: October 7, 2024 at 13:00
  • Announcement and notification to Applicants: November 4, 2024

How to apply for SciLifeLab event support


Who is qualified to be an organizer of an event?

Any member of a SciLifeLab infrastructure or a SciLifeLab Group leader is qualified to apply for support.

Which additional tasks are organizers for supported national events expected to carry out?

Below are examples of activities that the organizers will need to do. Set the program with confirmed speakers and titles, travel and hotel. Book venue, lunches and fikas, prepare name tags and printed material, registration on-site, coordinate exhibitions, coordinate on-site.

What amount of financial support can be received?

SciLifeLab will cover up to 50% of the costs for an event based on a realistic budget provided by the organizers. However, the financial support from SciLifeLab will not exceed 100 kSEK for one event. 

How is the funding transferred?

The main organizer will set up one specific project number for the event at their university department, from which costs can be paid in advance. The funds will be transferred to the department of the main organizer after the event has been completed. SciLifeLab requires a complete requisition form (including a list of participants, program, financial outcome, and event evaluation) from the organizer to transfer the funding.

Who has the economic responsibility for the event?

The main organizer (department of the main organizer) will take full responsibility for the event, including the financial responsibility.

Can industry sponsors cover certain costs?

Yes, SciLifeLab supports approaching industry partners for sponsoring events. The sponsoring needs to be in accordance with university regulations. Please get in touch with your university for policies regarding sponsoring.

Can my Infrastructure unit outreach event qualify for this support?

Yes. As an Infrastructure unit, you can apply for support for organizing a workshop, symposium, or similar at SciLifeLab or another location. You are encouraged to invite local and national users of the infrastructure (“user cases”) to be part of the program.

Can a seminar series apply for support?

Yes. SciLifeLab organizes several seminar series and encourages networking seminars. However, the event call is not intended for seminar series that already have national funding and the number of hours needs to be equivalent to a full-day conference.

Last updated: 2024-06-03

Content Responsible: Erika Erkstam(erika.erkstam@scilifelab.uu.se)