Assistant professor in Data Driven Cell and Molecular Biology

Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan

Application deadline

October 16, 2023

Assistant professor in Data Driven Cell and Molecular Biology

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

This position is a part of SciLifeLab and the Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS).

Subject field

Data Driven Cell and Molecular Biology

Subject description

Data driven cell and molecular biology covers research that fundamentally transforms our knowledge about how cells function by peering into their molecular components in time and space, from single molecules to native tissue environments.

The subject area concerns research in the general area of cell and molecular biology with machine learning as methodology. This research subject area aims to lead to innovative development and application of novel data-driven methods relying on machine learning and artificial intelligence.


The duties include conducting research and supervising doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows in the subject area. In addition, it includes establishing societal and academic collaborations both nationally and internationally, specifically in the field of biomedical research. This could, for example, involve collaboration with groups at SciLifeLab in relevant subject areas. It also includes collaborating with other researchers within DDLS and participating in DDLS activities.

The duties also include developing and conducting teaching at basic level, advanced level and postgraduate level in the subject area. As well as conducting teaching within the department’s entire range of courses in, among other things, machine learning, deep learning and AI.

The assistant professor will be given opportunity to develop their independence as researcher and gain accreditation that may allow them to take other teaching positions with higher eligibility requirements (see Chapter 4, Section 12 a of the Higher Education Ordinance). Following application, the assistant professor can apply for promotion to associate professor in accordance with Chapter 4, Section 12 c of the Higher Education Ordinance.


An individual who has obtained a PhD or equivalent research expertise is qualified for appointment as an assistant professor. Candidates who met those qualifications within five years prior to expiration of the application period should be prioritized. Other candidates may also be considered if there are extraordinary grounds for doing so. Extraordinary grounds refer to illness, parental leave or similar circumstances.

Grounds of assessments

The assessment criteria for appointment as an assistant professor at KTH are stated in KTH’s appointments procedure section 1.3, and apply in relation to the employment profile laid down.

Of highest importance is that the applicant has

  • research expertise demonstrated through research publications, conference attendance, attendance of research cooperation and also other undertakings in the scientific community such as for example, assignments as a reviewer or expert.
  • potential to qualify for a higher teaching post. This includes the potential for independent development as a researcher and teacher within the subject field in question and also the ability to establish, review and develop the research area in question.

Of second highest importance is that the applicant has

  • postdoc visits to a research environment other than the university at which the applicant defended their doctoral thesis. 
  • an interest in and understanding of pedagogical development within the subject field in question.
  • an interest in and understanding of leadership in an academic environment, third-stream activities, and awareness of diversity and equal treatment issues with a particular focus on gender equality.

It is also important that the applicant has

  • administrative expertise.

Special grounds of assessment for promotion to associate professor

When assessing applications for promotion to associate professor, the applicant’s ability to independently initiate and carry out research of high academic quality, published in international publications, and the applicant’s ability to obtain financing for research operations will be assessed. Of highest importance is the applicant’s ability to independently establish new collaborations and research specializations. It is also of highest importance that the applicant has displayed teaching and supervising expertise. Ability to teach in Swedish is a merit that is given great importance in the application for promotion.

Trade union representatives

Contact information to trade union representatives can be found at KTH’s web page.


Your application should follow KTH’s CV template for employment of teachers. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete according to the requirements in the ad and CV template.

Your complete application must be received at KTH no later than the last day of application, midnight CET/CEST (Central European Time/Central European Summer Time).

Log into KTH recruitment system in order to apply to this position.

Last application date: 16.Oct.2023 11:59 PM CEST

Last updated: 2023-07-17

Content Responsible: victor kuismin(