Doctoral student in Medical Science – Data-driven life science (DDLS Research School)

Application deadline

June 9, 2024

Doctoral student in Medical Science – Data-driven life science (DDLS)

The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 56 000 students and 6 600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract researchers and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

Doctoral position in Medical Science

At the University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Laboratory Medicine, we are looking to fill the position as PhD student in the DDLS area Data-driven precision medicine and diagnostics.

Data-driven life science (DDLS) uses data, computational methods and artificial intelligence to study biological systems and processes at all levels, from molecular structures and cellular processes to human health and global ecosystems. The SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) aims to recruit and train the next-generation of data-driven life scientists and to create globally leading computational and data science capabilities in Sweden. The program is funded with a total of 3.1 billion SEK (about 290 MUSD) over 12 years from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg (KAW) Foundation. 

During 2024 the DDLS Research School will be launched with the recruitment of 20 academic and 7 industrial PhD students. During the course of the DDLS program more than 260 PhD students and 200 postdocs will be part of the Research School. The DDLS program has four strategic areas: cell and molecular biology, evolution and biodiversity, precision medicine and diagnostics, epidemiology and biology of infection. For more information, please see DDLS Research school – SciLifeLab 

The area of Data-driven precision medicine and diagnostics covers data integration, analysis, visualization, and data interpretation for patient stratification, discovery of biomarkers for disease risks, diagnosis, drug response and monitoring of health. The precision medicine research is expected to make use of existing strong assets in Sweden and abroad, such as molecular data (e.g. omics), imaging, electronic health care records, longitudinal patient and population registries and biobanks.

The future of life science is data-driven. Will you be part of that change? Then join us in this unique program!

General information about being a doctoral student at the University of Gothenburg can be found on the university’s doctoral student pages Doctoral studies | University of Gothenburg (    


The PhD education in Medical Science comprises carrying out a scientific project and completing at least 30 credits of courses at third-cycle level. The doctoral student must also write a scientific compilation thesis or monograph corresponding to at least 120 credits. For more information about third-cycle studies at Sahlgrenska Academy, see

Project title: Towards precision medicine for ischemic stroke: Integrating clinical, molecular omic, and neuroimaging data using machine learning

Project: Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Ischemic stroke is heterogeneous both in terms of etiology and outcomes. Recurrent strokes are common and have higher fatality and disability rates compared to first strokes. Thus, improved secondary prevention is greatly needed. However, many of the molecular mechanisms underlying stroke recurrence and poor outcomes remain unknown. The overarching aim of this Data Driven Life Science PhD project is to use artificial intelligence (AI) approaches, specifically deep and machine learning (ML), to improve mechanistic understanding and enhance prediction of ischemic stroke outcomes. In the long run, this project will contribute to the development of precision medicine for stroke.

There are two main subprojects. The first will involve molecular omics (protein and RNA) data integration. Here, the PhD student will profile blood-based biomarkers associated with stroke recurrence (Aim 1) and functional and neurological outcomes (Aim 2) using ML approaches. The most promising biomarkers will be tested for predictive performance. The second main subproject will involve advanced neuroimaging (radiomic) data analysis. The PhD student will implement an AI-based pipeline to extract various metrics from brain magnetic resonance images. This will involve a research visit to the Resilient Brain Lab at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA. The predictive performance of radiomic biomarkers will be tested for the different outcomes alone and in combination with molecular biomarkers (Aim 3). The supervision team includes four researchers with complementary interdisciplinary competencies in areas such as clinical stroke research, genetics, molecular biology, bioinformatics and AI. We have broad national and international collaborations which will ensure that the PhD student quickly comes in contact with a wide network of researchers and will be in a stimulating and interactive environment. 

Since we work in an international environment, it is essential that the PhD student has excellent written and oral communication skills in English. Great emphasis is placed on personal suitability, effective and efficient organizational skills, and on the ability to work independently as well as part of a team, and having a willingness to learn new methods and an ability to acquire new skills.

For more information, please see

Education at third-cycle level comprises four years of full-time study, and leads to a doctoral degree.  As part of your employment as a doctoral student, you may have departmental duties corresponding to up to 20 % of full-time employment, distributed throughout your study period. Departmental duties usually consist of teaching at first- and second-cycle levels, but may also include research and administration.    


Education at third-cycle level requires general eligibility and specific eligibility as set out in the general syllabus for the subject.  

The general eligibility requirements for education at third-cycle level are:    
1. having completed a degree at second-cycle level, or
2. the fulfilment of course requirements totalling at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits must be at second-cycle level, or  
3. the acquisition of equivalent knowledge in some other way, either in Sweden or abroad.  
Specific entry requirements for this subject, according to the general syllabus, are: 
having completed the English B/6 course or is considered to have acquired equivalent knowledge through previous studies. 

Assessment criteria   

The selection of applicants who are considered to have the ability required to benefit from the study programme and who meet the general and specific eligibility requirements are assessed based on the following documented qualifications:- specific knowledge and skills within the subject area and related research fields
– experience of scientific theory and relevant research methodology
– scientific analysis and presentation verified through thesis, degree project, scientific journals or the like.     

Documented experience in managing and analyzing large datasets and data integration is advantageous. Experience in R/Python programming and using bioinformatics pipelines in a Linux command line environment is desirable. Experience in analysis of either one or multiple of the following: transcriptomics, proteomics, multi-omics integrative analysis is meritorious, as is experience of biostatistics or machine learning approaches.


Once you have been admitted for education at third-cycle level, you will be employed as a doctoral student at the University of Gothenburg. The provisions for employment as a doctoral student can be found in ordinance SFS 1993:100. Initial employment as a doctoral student may apply for a maximum of one year, and may be renewed by a maximum of two years at a time. A doctoral student may be employed as a doctoral student for a maximum of eight years, but the total period of employment may not be longer than the equivalent of full-time education at third-cycle level for four years.   

Location: Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Laboratory Medicine. Extent: 100%. First day of employment: as agreed.

The University applies a local agreement on salaries for doctoral students.   

Contact information 

For more information about the project please contact principal supervisor,
Christina Jern, Professor, Institute of Biomedicine, 
phone: +46-709-831616, e-mail: 


Assistant supervisor Tara Stanne, Associate Professor, Institute of Biomedicine,  
phone: +46-707-927047,  e-mail:


Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg can be found here:     


You can apply to be admitted for education at third-cycle level via the University of Gothenburg’s recruitment portal. It is your responsibility to ensure that the application is complete as per the vacancy notice, and that the University receives it by the final application deadline.   

You must include the following, in pdf format

  • Personal letter
  • CV
  • Diploma and transcripts showing that you meet with the general entry requirement
  • Proof of completion of English 6 course or the acquired equivalent knowledge through previous studies

If your degree is from a university outside of Sweden, make sure that you attach a diploma and full transcripts that makes assessing your degree easier 

If your degree has not been verified by a Swedish authority you need to provide contact details to the issuing university, registrar or similar, that can verify the degree at our request.

For information on what you need to submit in order to fulfill the English language requirement see

Applications must be received by: 2024-06-09

Information for International Applicants 

Choosing a career in a foreign country is a big step. Thus, to give you a general idea of what we and Gothenburg have to offer in terms of benefits and life in general for you and your family/spouse/partner please visit: 


The University works actively to achieve a working environment with equal conditions, and values the qualities that diversity brings to its operations.

Salaries are set individually at the University.

In accordance with the National Archives of Sweden’s regulations, the University must archive application documents for two years after the appointment is filled. If you request that your documents are returned, they will be returned to you once the two years have passed. Otherwise, they will be destroyed.

In connection to this recruitment, we have already decided which recruitment channels we should use. We therefore decline further contact with vendors, recruitment and staffing companies.

Last updated: 2024-05-16

Content Responsible: Hampus Persson(