Infrastructure Director for SciLifeLab
SciLifeLab (Science for Life Laboratory) is a national infrastructure and a multi-disciplinary research community with four host universities: KTH Royal Institute of Technology (primary host), Stockholm University, Karolinska lnstitutet, and Uppsala University.
SciLifeLab (Science for Life Laboratory) is national resource for the advancement of molecular biosciences in Sweden. We are funded as a national research infrastructure by the Swedish government. Our organization leverages the unique strengths of individual universities across Sweden into a focused resource for the life science community. We serve thousands of researchers each year by providing access to cutting-edge instrumentation and deep scientific expertise. SciLifeLab creates a unique environment for carrying out technology- and data-driven research on health and environment at the highest level.
SciLifeLab today has nine technology areas including genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics and drug development ( The SciLifeLab platforms and units offer service and training for all Swedish researchers as well as for researchers within industry and health care.
Assignment as Infrastructure Director
The assignment as Infrastructure Director for Science for Life Laboratory is for a period of six years at 50 % time commitment. The appointment may be renewed. In addition to this, the researcher will conduct his/her own research, teaching and other duties, according to an agreement with the respective host university.
Duties as Infrastructure Director
Work with the director and with the SciLifeLab management group with a primary responsibility for the SciLifeLab national infrastructure units, instrumentation and staff. Participate in preparing, executing and monitoring board decisions related to the national infrastructure. Manage infrastructure operations at SciLifeLab, including financing, reporting, staffing, training, instrumentation, technology development, KPIs, metrics and user statistics, evaluations and advisory board meetings as well as ensure good infrastructure practice. Monitor new technologies and potential new infrastructure services. Take part in building national research communities and collaborations that enrich and support the infrastructure. Be familiar with life science developments and focus areas at the four host universities as well as in all major Swedish universities. Follow developments in local, national and international infrastructures, infrastructure policy and funding, as well as open data principles. Serve as a coordinating contact between SciLifeLab infrastructure and the Research Council (VR), KAW and other potential infrastructure funders and stakeholders. Take part in exploring collaborations with the industry.
If the candidate fulfills the requirements for a position as professor, and the candidate does not at present hold such a position, a professorship may be considered. This will, however, require a deep long-term commitment from the host university, and therefore new professor-level nominations may not be feasible before this assignment as an infrastructure director will begin.
Professor-level competence or equivalent research experience with a strong technological focus. Broad understanding and experience of technology- and data-driven molecular biosciences. Documented leadership experience in e.g. leading infrastructure and/or research projects in academia, industry or health-care. An ability to promote a good climate of cooperation within the SciLifeLab community. A genuine interest in creating an excellent national research infrastructure, with strong technology, expertise, collaborative attitude, and excellent operational principles. An interest to translate research results towards health care, industry and society at large. Excellent ability to communicate orally and in writing in English.
The position can in principle be placed at any of the four host universities in Stockholm and Uppsala. People who do not yet hold positions at these universities are also encouraged to apply, but must eventually receive a matching 50% commitment from the host universities if they desire a full-time position.
Individual salary
Please send your application to: Deadline Sep 14, 2020. The applications shall include a cover letter indicating how your previous education and work experience makes you prepared for this position. Also, please indicate three specific ideas or plans that you would like to advance forward in your role as a SciLifeLab Infrastructure Director (max 1 page). Include full CV, a list of top 10 publications and names of three references.
Questions regarding the position
Please contact head of the recruitment committee: Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson, (also Chair of the National SciLifeLab Committee).
The assignment as Infrastructure Director is expected to start on January 1, 2021.