SciLifeLab Fellow / Associate Senior Lecturer in High-resolution Spatial Methods

Application deadline

September 25, 2020

Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing. Our mission is to pursue top-quality research and education and to interact constructively with society. Our most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces.

The Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) is a national centre for large-scale data and hypothesis-driven research in the field of molecular biosciences. SciLifeLab ( is the joint project of four universities: Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University and Uppsala University. SciLifeLab is currently looking for an excellent research group leader to reinforce the Uppsala research environment. The position will be within the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, with departmental affiliation decided in conjunction with the appointment.

Description of the field

Analysis of the distribution of various types of biomolecules can provide invaluable insight into the function of biological systems and contribute important diagnostic data. This area of research is currently in a phase of rapid growth, in part due to major mapping studies such as the Human Cell Atlas. New approaches to describing molecular relationships in situ may prove crucial to scientific progress.

Job description

Research, teaching and administration. Duties include the development and application of technologies for high-resolution spatial methods. Duties also include supervising doctoral students in their research projects and participating in first-cycle courses and study programmes at the department. The successful candidate will also be required to follow developments in their own field and any general societal development of significance to work at the University. Administrative tasks and internal and external elected office may arise. The position is intended to lead to the development of an independent research profile. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the University’s long tradition of developing molecular analysis technologies and to strengthen the University’s contribution to SciLifeLab (


According to Chapter 4 Section 4a of the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance, a person qualified for appointment as an associate senior lecturer is a person who has been awarded a PhD or has the corresponding research expertise. Primary consideration should be given to a person who has been awarded a PhD or achieved the equivalent expertise within five years of the deadline for applications.  

According to § 38 of the Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University, teaching expertise in accordance with § 23 of the Appointment Regulations is required. The applicant should have completed five weeks of relevant training in learning and teaching in higher education, or acquired equivalent knowledge by some other means. If it is not possible to acquire this qualification prior to appointment, the prerequisite course in learning and teaching in higher education must be completed during the first two years of employment. 

According to the University’s Appointment Regulations, general qualification requirements for teachers also include the possession of those personal attributes deemed necessary to fulfil the demands of the position.  

The applicant shall have a documented ability to teach in Swedish and English. If exceptional reasons exist, an applicant who currently lacks the ability to teach in Swedish may be assumed to be able to acquire that ability within two years.

Employment period

An appointment as an associate senior lecturer is a six-year career-development position; however, if extraordinary reasons exist, the appointment may be renewed. An associate senior lecturer may apply for promotion. If the associate senior lecturer is deemed suitable and meets the requirements for promotion, he or she shall be promoted and be employed for an indefinite period as a senior lecturer.


The appointment is linked to the SciLifeLab programme, meaning that basic financing is in place of SEK 14 million over six years.

Salary: Individually negotiated salary.

Starting date: By agreement.

Type of position: 100%

For further information about the position please contact the dean-elect of the Faculty of medicine Karin Forsberg Nilsson, 070-1679579,

Please submit your application by 25 September 2020, UFV-PA 2020/1826.


Last updated: 2020-09-11

Content Responsible: David Gotthold(