Instruction for using the system

Starting your meeting

1. Turn on the system by clicking the touch panel (placed on the podium). Click ‘Start system’ and wait for the SciLifeLab logotype to become visible on the preview screen and the room screens (takes up to ~45 sec). 

2. Plug in your laptop with either USB-C or HDMI (USB-C is the default which the system is set on, so if you’re using HDMI, you’ll have to change input on ‘Input presets’ on the touch panel).

3. Get started with the presentation. Depending on whether it’s a physical meeting or a hybrid, you’ll set it up a little differently.

For physical meetings (without online participants)

Just open your slide deck in presentation mode and it’ll be visible on the screens. 

Optional: Adding microphones

Turn on the ceiling microphone (if general voice enhancement for both speaker and audience in the room is preferred) by choosing that option on the touch panel. 

Turn on the headset microphone (placed in the lectern in microphone stand) if voice enhancement for speaker is preferred. Click ‘ON’ on the button on the microphone receiver. You don’t need to click anything on the touch panel, it connects automatically. 

For hybrid meetings

Open your Zoom or Teams app. Set camera to ‘Air & Fire’ and microphone to ‘Air & Fire’ (might also be called ‘Echo-cancelling speakerphone (Air & Fire)’, or ‘NV-21-HU’ if you’re using HDMI). 

When the meeting starts and there’s a pop-up asking if you want to ‘Connect with your computer audio’, make sure to click yes. 

For a better sound experience for online participants, use a headset microphone (placed in the podium in microphone stand) on the speaker. Click ‘ON’ on the button on the microphone receiver. You don’t need to click anything on the touch panel, it
connects automatically. 

Note! The camera is by default angled towards the lectern. If you want to change the settings, click the camera icon on the touch panel and then use the zoom and arrow functions to adjust. 

Ending your meeting

1. Clean the headset microphone with a wet wipe and put it back in the stand (so it goes into charging mode). 

2. Unplug your laptop and turn off the system by clicking the ON/OFF button or ‘Shut down system’ on the touch panel. 

Using the sidescreens individually

1. Turn on the system by clicking the touch panel (placed on the podium). 

2. Plug in your laptop into the specific screen you want to use, with either USB-C or HDMI. 

3. Make sure the specific screen’s individual touch panel is on – its ON/OFF button should have a green light. 

Playing music 

1. Follow the same instruction as for ‘Starting a meeting’: turn on the system, plug in your laptop.

2. Choose if you want any presentation shown on the screens. If not, uncheck the screens on the touch panel. 

3. Start playing your music. Make sure ‘output sound’ in your laptop (usually found in Settings –> Sound) is set to ‘Air & Fire’ (might also be called ‘Echo-cancelling speakerphone (Air & Fire)’, or ‘NV-21-HU’ if you’re using HDMI).  

4. Choose which speakers to use by clicking (or unclicking) the speaker options ‘Front’, ‘Ceiling’ or ‘Lobby’ on the touch panel and adjust volume on the bars. 


 Trouble with the audio or screen? Call the number found on the printed instruction.

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This instruction is also available as a PDF.

Q&A about the conference system

Q: What if I only want to use one or two of the screens, and not all four? 
A: the default setting is to show your presentation on all screens. If you want to turn any off, uncheck them on the touch panel.

Q: If I’m conducting a hybrid meeting and using the camera, do I still need to ‘share screen’ in Zoom or Teams? 
A: yes, so as to not let online participants only see the screen through the camera, that will offer limited readability.

Q: What if I want to adjust my presentation while plugged into the system, and I don’t want it to show on the screens?
A: you can change input on ‘Input presets’, to the option you’re not using. I.e. if you’re plugged in with USB-C, and choose HDMI as input, your material won’t show on the screens. You can also turn off the system by holding the ON/OFF button. 

Q: I have plugged in my computer to one of the side screens but it doesn’t show my presentation, what is wrong?
A: make sure that the system in the room is turned on. This is done at the touch panel in the podium. If the system is on but you still can’t see your presentation on the side screen, make sure that the ON/OFF button on the local touch panel (next to the side screen) is green. If it is red, press it and it will turn green.

Q: Is the camera audio-tracking? 
A: No, it’s not, i.e. it will not turn to whoever’s speaking, it’ll be consistent on the position you place it. So set it to an angle and distance that’ll keep your speaker visible (e.g. if the person moves around a little bit.

Q: Is the camera always on? 
A: No, only when you’re plugged in with a laptop that has a meeting on e.g. Zoom or Teams running (and the camera active on that meeting). If that is not the case, the camera goes into privacy mode (turns away from the podium and shuts the lens). It also says ‘Privacy mode’ on the touch panel. 

Q: How does the ceiling microphone work?  
A: the default setting is that it’s on, although not heard in the speakers in the rooms but turned on in your online meeting (i.e. online participants will here its sound).  It’s a voice enhancer rather than a ‘full on’ microphone, so it doesn’t pick up every little sound super clearly, but it makes e.g. audience questions more easy to hear for online participants. 

If you expect it’ll be very talkative in the room (e.g. if people will have group discussions), please turn off the ceiling microphone (otherwise it’ll be noisy for your online participants) by clicking  ‘Mute microphone’ on the touch panel. 

Q: When should I use the lavalier microphone vs. the ceiling microphone? 

A: for hybrid meetings – always use the lavalier microphone for hybrid meetings, as that’ll allow for much better sound for your online participants. 

If you expect to have audience interaction that online participants should be able to hear, please use both the lavalier microphone (on your speaker) and the ceiling microphone. 

Note: you don’t need to turn one of these off when the other one is used, they work together and the lavelier overrides the sound from the ceiling microphone.

For physical meetings without online participants – if the room is crowded or you feel like voice enhancement would make listening more comfortable, turn on the ceiling microphone and use the lavelier microphone as you see fit. In general, it’s sufficient with the ceiling microphone. 

Q: Can I adjust the volume of the microphones? 

A: no, only of the speakers. 

Last updated: 2024-07-17

Content Responsible: Karin Nedler(