SciLifeLab Group Leader Definition

The following text is an excerpt from an appendix to Board meeting no 39 (November 2019), with an amendment from Board meeting no 41 (February 2020).

A group leader at SciLifeLab is defined by the following three criteria: 

  • Doctoral degree in a relevant research area and relevant post PhD research experience. 
  • Scientific and financial responsibility for a research group in Life Science, consisting of at least two other persons, or least one of the technology platforms or a unit at SciLifeLab. 
  • Documented strong affiliation to SciLifeLab, by an active, close working relationship with SciLifeLab research and infrastructure that contribute to the scientific development of SciLifeLab. Preferably, with a physical presence at the Stockholm, Uppsala or any of the other national nodes or otherwise documented strong contribution to SciLifeLab development. 

Opportunities and benefits of a SciLifeLab Group Leader: 

  • To be formally designated as a SciLifeLab research group and presented at the SciLifeLab web site.
  • Opportunity to join SciLifeLab events such as internal group leader workshops. 
  • Part of SciLifeLab general mailing list and community outreach. 

Responsibility as SciLifeLab Group Leader: 

  • Include SciLifeLab together with the university affiliation on all scientific publications, according to the following format: Department, SciLifeLab, University alternatively with a double affiliation: 1. Department, University, 2. SciLifeLab, University. ORCID should also be included for publications.
  • Cooperate with the SciLifeLab management by updating information on the SciLifeLab web-site regularly and reporting figures necessary for official reports, such as number of researchers, extent of external funding as well as publications. 
  • Take an active part in fostering the SciLifeLab community, for example by organizing and attending seminars, workshops and other community activities.
  • Comply with good ethical, scientific and infrastructure practices. 


Each of the four host university SciLifeLab committees or SciLifeLab committees at SciLifeLab sites nominate researchers from their own universities as SciLifeLab group leaders. Nominations as SciLifeLab group leaders from other universities are sent to the co-director of SciLifeLab. Platform directors can nominate Scientific directors and related people in the platforms as SciLifeLab group leaders to the infrastructure director. The management group subsequently decides on whether to approve the nominees as SciLifeLab group leaders. The fulfilment of the criteria listed above will be evaluated every second year and if status has changed the affiliation can be terminated. It is possible to re-apply one year after the termination if the criteria are full-filled.

Please note that SciLifeLab Group Leader nominations are currently in hold, as the process is being updated. Preliminary, the nomination process will be opened up in autumn 2024.

Last updated: 2024-09-02

Content Responsible: Disa Hammarlöf(