SciLifeLab Group Leader Definition
A SciLifeLab Group Leader is defined as a community member who plays a key role in SciLifeLab’s development, locally and/or nationally. This role is based on strong contributions to the objectives of the national SciLifeLab organization:
More details on the SciLifeLab Group Leader concept can be found in the SciLifeLab Group Leader Principles & Guidelines document.
Opportunities and benefits of a SciLifeLab Group Leader:
The SciLifeLab Group Leader will
- Formally be designated as a SciLifeLab Group Leader and research group.
- Be included on the SciLifeLab website.
- Have access to tailored SciLifeLab Group Leader events and funding calls.
- Have membership in SciLifeLab mailing lists.
- Be invited to participate in SciLifeLab and community meetings and outreach efforts.
Responsibility as SciLifeLab Group Leader:
The SciLifeLab Group Leader is required to
- Actively participate in and contribute to the SciLifeLab community.
- Subscribe to the SciLifeLab open data policy, ensuring all research data, results, protocols, code, and biomaterials are as openly available as possible and apply FAIR principles.
- Use the SciLifeLab affiliation and ORCID in publications, and present their SciLifeLab Group Leader status in relevant forums (e.g. scientific presentations).
- Commit and adhere to SciLifeLab’s Code of Conduct and comply with good ethical, scientific, and infrastructure practices.
- Collaborate with SciLifeLab management and adhere to relevant reporting structures.
Nominations for the SciLifeLab Group Leader status are for a four-year term, after which re-evaluation occurs every four years to ensure the criteria are still met. Nominations can be submitted by the candidate (self-nomination) or following an invitation by a SciLifeLab founding university or site committee member. The (current) positions as SciLifeLab or DDLS Fellow, Platform Director, Platform Co-Director, or Head of Unit automatically grants Group Leader status.
Initial selection is managed by SciLifeLab committees at the sites and founding universities. The SciLifeLab Management Group then makes a recommendation to the SciLifeLab Board, which takes the final decision. Approved nominations are publicly announced on the SciLifeLab website.
The annual call for SciLifeLab Group Leader applications closed on November 6, 2024. Next call will open autumn 2025.