SciLifeLab Lund

In 2021, the Board of SciLifeLab announced Lund, Linköping, Gothenburg and Umeå as official SciLifeLab sites alongside with the host university sites in Stockholm and Uppsala. The purpose behind this was to strengthen the coordination of SciLifeLab’s national mission and activities. The aim of the sites is to bring national infrastructure activities closer to the research communities at these locations, and to contribute to increased synergies and collaborations with multiple stakeholders. These stakeholders include local infrastructures, the Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) program, and Wallenberg Centers for Molecular Medicine (WCMM).

SciLifeLab Lund was formally launched in 2022 as a cross-faculty initiative between the Faculties of Medicine, Sciences, and Engineering. SciLifeLab Lund is located at Lund University’s Biomedical Centre (BMC) on floor D14. The site is governed by a Steering group with representatives from the above-mentioned faculties, as well as from Region Skåne. The site is led at the operative level by a Site Director and a Management Group, which includes representatives from the included Research Infrastructure Units.

Currently, SciLifeLab Lund consists of nine research infrastructure units. Six of these units are part of SciLifeLab’s technology platforms, while the remaining three represent core local facilities that are nationally relevant and have missions and objectives similar to those of SciLifeLab.

Units within SciLifeLab platforms:

Local core facilities:

Visiting address:

Klinikgatan 32, Floor 14 | 222 42 Lund

Mailing address:

SciLifeLab Lund/CTG, BMC D14 | Sölvegatan 19 | 221 84 Lund

Contact information:

Stay updated about SciLifeLab Lund news:

Last updated: 2024-06-13

Content Responsible: Hampus Persson(