[Clinical Talks] Combining AI and in situ sequencing to explore the tumor micro-environment
November 11 @ 09:00 – 09:30 CET
Carolina Wählby
Professor in quantitative microscopy, SciLifeLab and Dept. IT, Uppsala University

Carolina Wählby is professor in Quantitative Microscopy at the Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University, and Scientific Director of the National SciLifeLab Bioimage Informatics Unit. Her research is focused on developing computational approaches for extracting information from image data with focus on precision medicine and life science. Methods include traditional image analysis as well as AI and deep learning for understanding dynamics of cancer tissue, antibiotics susceptibility and spatial transcriptomics, funded primarily by the ERC TissUUmaps project and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic research. She received the SBI2 President’s innovation award in 2014 for her work on in situ sequencing, and the Thuréus prize in 2015 for development of open tools for image analysis. She is a member of the Royal Society of Sciences at Uppsala and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. She has a MSc in molecular biotechnology and a PhD in digital image analysis, and carried out postdoc research within genetics and pathology. She was part of the Imaging Platform of the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT in 2009-2015 and became full professor at Uppsala University in 2014. She is a member of the steering group of a 300M€ effort on Data Driven Life Science, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, with the ambitious goal of training the next generation of life scientists. Her heart lies in the intersection between life science and computational image analysis, and she is intrigued by the possibilities of technological developments and convergence of the scientific fields.
Moderator: Päivi Östling, SciLifeLab
Clinical Talks
Clinical Talks is back for more! With a brand new and shiny Season 6. After successfully completing 5 seasons with > 70 enthusiastic Clinical Talkers to our record, we have barely scratched the surface of all the amazing work our clinical, academic and industry Life Science community has to offer. More about the upcoming events is available here.
These events are co-organized by Karolinska Institutet Innovations AB and SciLifeLab, and brought to you by Colibri Ventures.