[Clinical Talks] The PONCH study
March 10 @ 09:00 – 09:30 CET
The PONCH Study of the influence of diet, obesity and gestational diabetes (GDM) on maternal and child metabolic health
Ulrika Andersson Hall
University of Gothenburg

Ulrika is currently an associate professor and project manager of the Pregnancy Obesity Nutrition and Child Health (PONCH) study headed by professor Agneta Holmäng at the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. Ulrika has an MSc in Molecular Biotechnology from Uppsala University and a PhD in Biochemistry from Oxford University. In 2015, after post-doctoral positions at the Medical Research Center of Imperial College, London, and at the Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport Science, University of Gothenburg, she joined the PONCH group. She now runs the PONCH study focusing on maternal and child metabolic health during and after pregnancy, but has also added other branches to the study, particularly with focus on the transition from gestational diabetes to type-2-diabetes.
The PONCH study:
PONCH started in 2009 and is an ongoing prospective, longitudinal study investigating the influence of diet, obesity and gestational diabetes (GDM) on maternal and child metabolic health. The specific aims of PONCH are to better understand how body composition, insulin resistance and energy metabolism change during and after pregnancy in women of normal body weight, with obesity or with GDM, and how this affects the body composition and health of their children. Another important aim is to evaluate insulin resistance after GDM in order to better be able to predict the development of type-2-diabetes in these women. Here, we also investigate the effect of life-style factors in the transition from GDM to type-2-diabetes. Our hope is that the research will influence future clinical care of women with GDM.
Moderator: Päivi Östling, SciLifeLab
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