[Clinical Talks] Functional precision medicine using AI drug discovery
December 16 @ 09:00 – 09:30 CET
Greg Vladimer
Vice President, Translational Research at Exscientia

Greg Vladimer, VP, Translational Research joined Exscientia through the acquisition of Allcyte, a pioneer in the field of AI-first functional precision oncology and translational cancer research, where he was a Scientific Co-Founder and the Chief Scientific Officer. At Allcyte, he and his team pushed the boundaries of translational cancer research through the use of disease relevant primary human cancer samples, high content imaging, custom AI-powered computer vision, and scalable cloud computing. Greg has a PhD from University of Massachusetts Medical School in Immunology, after which he moved to Vienna as an EMBO-supported Postdoctoral Fellow at CeMM where he and a colleague invented the first-generation platform used for the translational work, and spearheaded the first ever prospective interventional clinical trial showing that drugs prioritised using a functional precision medicine tool had clinical benefit for late stage blood cancer patients.
Moderator: Päivi Östling, SciLifeLab
Clinical Talks
Clinical Talks is back for more! With a brand new and shiny Season 6. After successfully completing 5 seasons with > 70 enthusiastic Clinical Talkers to our record, we have barely scratched the surface of all the amazing work our clinical, academic and industry Life Science community has to offer. More about the upcoming events is available here.
These events are co-organized by Karolinska Institutet Innovations AB and SciLifeLab, and brought to you by Colibri Ventures.