Affinity proteomics Uppsala present a seminar about the latest developments of the in situ proximity ligation assay


Navet, SciLifeLab Uppsala
SciLifeLab Uppsala, BMC C11, Husargatan 3
Uppsala, 75237 Sweden
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Affinity proteomics Uppsala present a seminar about the latest developments of the in situ proximity ligation assay

December 7 @ 13:00 15:00 CET

Topic: Navinci in Situ Proximity ligation assay, new developments, applications, and user presentations.

SciLifeLab Affinity Proteomics Uppsala offer full service of in situ proximity ligation assays (PLA) in fixed cells or tissue sections to image, with enhanced specificity, the presence of specific proteins, interactions and/or post-translational modifications to e.g. characterise acts of protein signaling in tumor tissues, or to evaluate effects of drug treatment. Our latest addition is the PLA technology offered by Navinci and we would like to present this technology together with research presentations by users in a hybrid event (in-person and online). After the event there will be time for questions and refreshments at Mötestorget in Navet.



Seminar 13:00 – 15:00, SciLifeLab, Trippelrummet and Zoom

13:00 Welcome and introduction (Mikael Åberg, SciLifeLab Affinity Proteomics and Robert Gunnarsson, Navinci)

13:15 Agata Zieba Wicher, Navinci: Introduction to Navinci technology

13:40 Amanda Lindberg, Uppsala University: Detection of activated PDGFRb receptor in NSCLC using NaveniFlex combined with a TSA-based detection method 

14:00 Nicolle Heinzl, Oncolabs 14:00 Nicolle Heinzl, Oncolabs: “p53 prions” – A new promising cancer biomarker meets a disruptive technology

14:20 Johan Heldin, Uppsala University: Differential impact of lipid raft depletion on platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-induced ERK1/2 MAP-kinase and AKT signaling

14:40 Brian Perrino, University of Nevada : TBD

15:00 – 17:00 Mingle with bubbles and canapés and open house with a vernissage at Navinci, SciLifeLab Navet, Mötestorget/ Navinci facilities 

Last updated: 2021-12-01

Content Responsible: Erika Erkstam(