The open source ecosystem for genome-scale metabolic models

April 23, 2021, 13:10 – 14:00


Rui Benfeitas, SciLifeLab/Stockholm University

The open source ecosystem for genome-scale metabolic models

Virtual Event Virtual Event

April 23 @ 13:10 14:00 CEST


Mihail Anton, National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden

When: April 23, 13:10 

Zoom link to the seminar:

Host: Rui Benfeitas, Stockholm University


As science is advancing towards full reproducibility, the ecosystem of tools and resources for genome-scale metabolic modelling is increasingly open-source. The talk will showcase how Metabolic Atlas is contributing to this ecosystem by integrating several open-source GEMs, and providing visualisations for these, with the aim of aiding discovery of disease-related alterations of metabolism.

Last updated: 2021-04-14

Content Responsible: David Gotthold(