Innovation initiatives
SciLifeLab actively supports innovation through a number of initiatives.
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Proof of Concept Grant in Life Science
Translating academic drug discovery projects
Innovation coaching
SciLifeLab Innovations – Pharma & Biotech

Proof of Concept Grant in Life Science
The purpose of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and SciLifeLab Proof of Concept grant is to bridge the gap from academic research to innovations in life science. The grant gives researchers the opportunity to develop their early-stage discoveries towards validated methods, products or processes and provides the opportunity to carry out activities that validate and accelerate the development of the project and prepare for innovation and commercialization.

Translating academic drug discovery projects
The drug discovery and development platform (DDD) platform makes use of fundamental academic research discoveries across the country and validates these as drug discovery targets and creates lead molecules that would provide attractive future investment as opportunities within the private sector.
Over the past years, DDD has successfully developed therapeutic discoveries with numerous academic groups across the country. Several projects have been out-licensing to industry or established as new spin-off companies. The combination of tools available at SciLifeLab units provide excellent opportunities for drug discovery and development, at different points in the route to new treatments.
With its mission to support researchers in developing prototypes for new drugs, the DDD platform is focused on providing state-of-the-art drug discovery technologies to scientists across the country.
Innovation coaching
A SciLifeLab initiative to promote and support development of life science ideas for commercialization.
Could your research be implemented outside of academia and would you like to learn how to do it? Or, do you need coaching and guidance to make a safe and effective pitch of your project idea?
Take the opportunity to meet with a business development coach and start your journey towards research impact.
In an individual digital meeting, you will discuss your research with an experienced business development coach from your home university and get their advice on how you can move forward towards commercialization.
After the meeting, you will have a clearer idea of what support is available to you through the Innovation Offices, and have gained a better understanding about where your research could create impact.
The Innovation Coaching is a collaboration initiative between SciLifeLab and the Innovation Offices at
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Karolinska Institutet
- Stockholm University
- Uppsala University
- Linköping University
- Lund University
- Umeå Biotech Incubator and Umeå University
- Chalmers
- University of Gothenburg
- SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
- Örebro University
to support and promote further development of findings and ideas for commercialization.
Please request a slot in the form on this page.
Further development and possible expansion of this initiative is gladly considered, and we welcome input from relevant stakeholders in this regard.
Contact person
SciLifeLab Innovations – Pharma & Biotech
Are you a scientific researcher or investing in translational research for new therapeutic treatments? SciLifeLab and the innovation support systems are collaborating to facilitate the discovery of new pharma and biotech therapeutics based on frontline academic research at Swedish Universities. SciLifeLab harbors advanced research infrastructures in which the Drug Discovery and Development platform (DDD) is the spearhead for knowhow and wet lab support in academic drug discovery.
Process & goals
The most promising projects from swedish academic scientific research are selected for resourcing as drug discovery projects. Innovation support is provided by the university innovation support system and the three parties (the principal investigator at the university, SciLifeLab DDD and the innovation support system) forms a joint project team to identify new protype drugs that can be further developed into treatment for patients. In accordance with the Swedish teachers exemption law, the academic scientist retain all intellectual rights to the prototype drug.
The ultimate goal with this three party collaboration is to provide the swedish life science community with cutting edge technologies for drug discovery research and to generate the highest possible quality and revenue of investments in basic life science research in terms of patient benefits, health care, and life science innovations which is also competitive at an international level.

Case study
SciLifeLab DDD has up until 2023 supported numerous of researchers from all over Sweden, evaluating >400 proposals for drug discovery research and supported 13 programs to the development phase. Four programs have started clinical studies, four programs have been licensed to international pharma, 10 programs have been incorporated into biotech startups out of which three are listed on Nasdaq.
Hear a first-hand story from Marika Nestor, Uppsala University, and her journey as an academic researcher taking on a drug discovery endeavour to eventually form a company that prepares for clinical trials.
Drug discovery is a major challenge for academic science, however, the output from SciLifeLab DDD shows that we can make it. Working together in a joint project team with the right experts is key. Combining the strength from academic scientists, the academic innovation support system and the SciLifeLab Drug Discovery and Development platform (DDD) gives the required scientific edge, business development expertise, networks and know-how to help patients in need.
Together we offer resources and skills to increase the quality of innovations from research – with no strings attached to the academic scientist. Learn more of how we work together!
See brochure where you can learn more about the established processes here.
Are you a Swedish academic researcher, investor, business developer or want to learn more about SciLifeLab Innovations – Pharma & Biotech do not hesitate to reach out to us.
For regular updates and news, follow DDD on LinkedIn.