Apply for bioinformatics support in next-generation sequencing projects

The third round of applications for long-term bioinformatics support at the Wallenberg advanced bioinformatics infrastructure (WABI) is now open. Researchers from Swedish universities are welcome to apply for bioinformatics support in any type of next generation sequencing projects.


Granted applications will be offered bioinformatics support by a senior bioinformatics scientist for 6-12 month for free.

Apply before October 4th.

“The help from WABI has made it possible for us to assemble our data and look closer on the genetic elements that carries antibiotic resistance in a much quicker and probably better way than would have been possible on our own.” Professor Joakim Larsson, Göteborgs universitet

More information about WABI

The Wallenberg Advanced Bioinformatics Infrastructure

WABI is a SciLifeLab unit in the Bioinformatics platform. WABI has state-of the art competence and technical know-how in large-scale sequence data analysis, including transcriptomics, variant detection and de novo genome assembly. The WABI personnel are senior bioinformaticians with post-doc experience and competences covering for example cancer genomics, RNA differential expression analyses, animal disease models, plant and animal genomics, and evolution. WABI also work towards improved integration of data generated at different SciLifeLab units. The WABI personnel are permanent staff devoted full-time to bioinformatics support. An important aspect of WABI is to achieve hands-on knowledge transfer between WABI personnel and the applicant’s research group. Members of the research groups are also offered to spend time at SciLifeLab to ensure an efficient learning process.


Last updated: 2020-05-15

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