Call for proposals for pilot units at SciLifeLab Uppsala 2016
SciLifeLab in Uppsala now opens a call for proposals for new pilot units, not currently part of SciLifeLab. Researchers at Uppsala University can apply with the aim to set up and provide an outstanding service of a technology relevant for researchers in the life sciences.
SciLifeLab strives to develop and provide frontline technology for the academic research community in Sweden. This involves evaluation of existing platforms, as well as launching new pilot units with a potential to provide national service. Now a call for proposals of pilot units at Uppsala University has opened. A similar call was made for new units in Stockholm June 2015. SciLifeLab has also expanded its infrastructure offer with units situated in e.g. Göteborg, Linköping, Lund, and Umeå in 2014 and 2015.
The proposals must give a clear description of how the unit builds on nationally or globally unique capabilities that could be developed into a national infrastructure service with a wide user base within three years. The proposals may involve an existing core unit, outside SciLifeLab, that currently serve a regional/local role, but could be useful to national users. The proposal may also describe a unique technology that could be offered as a frontline service. It is essential that the applicants have a strong track record in research in the same area of the infrastructure since this is essential to keeping the unit up to date.
The full announcement is found on the under “Related items” in this page.
Proposals should be sent to Please contact Johan Elf, Site Director in Uppsala, if you have any questions.
The application deadline is March 30, 2016.