Costs and benefits of diagnostics and screening

An ageing population is one of the major challenges of present and future healthcare. During two days researchers and industry will meet with other experts and decision makers in healthcare to share thoughts and insights on this matter.


Today is the first day of Uppsala Health Summit. The theme is ”Healthcare for Healthy Ageing”. The summit will go on for two days and focus on preventive care, including life style issues and the value of diagnostics and screening, as well as treatment for autonomous ageing.

New diagnostic technologies open up possibilities to detect an increasingly wider range of diseases at a considerably earlier stage than ever before. In many cases, this opens up for improved prospects for treatments and even prevention. But many questions remain. How can these technologies be implemented in the regular healthcare system? How much should we invest in these technologies? How do they challenge the role of the patient and the doctor?

In order to address these questions SciLifeLab researcher and unit manager Johan Rung will head a workshop on “Prevention for Healthy Ageing by diagnostics and screening – Costs and Benefits” at 13:15-15:15 today at Uppsala Health Summit.

Introductions will be made by Richard Rosenquist Brandell (SciLifeLab Faculty and professor at Uppsala University), Erik Ingelsson (SciLifeLab Faculty and professor at Uppsala University), Stephen Bevan (Director of the Centre for Workforce Effectiveness at The Work Foundation) and Barbro Westerholm (MD and member of Swedish Parliament).


Last updated: 2014-06-03

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