Fellows receive funding to form new collaborations within the National Molecular Medicine Program (NMMP)
The National Molecular Medicine Program (NMMP) is a collaborative network between SciLifeLab and the Wallenberg Centers for Molecular Medicine (WCMM) in Göteborg, Linköping, Lund and Umeå, co-funded by a 9 million SEK grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
The aim of the collaboration is to promote scientific interactions and technological networking among the group leaders recruited to the centers.
In addition to annual ambulating meetings, each center announces calls for small scientific network facilitation grants. SciLifeLab announced such a call in April 2020 for the SciLifeLab Fellows and received proposals for new collaborative initiatives with NMMP Fellows in Umeå and Göteborg. In total, 126 kSEK was allocated to the call.
SciLifeLab’s Director Olli Kallioniemi decides to fund the following SciLifeLab Fellow proposals with the NMMP Scientific network facilitation grant 2020:
Development of local inflammatory biomarkers for risk stratification and early detection of colorectal cancer.
SciLifeLab Fellow: Alexandra Teleki (UU), Partner Fellow: Bethany van Guelpen (WCMM/UmU)
Elucidating the biophysical principles underlying virus-host interactions.
SciLifeLab Fellow Erdinc Sezgin (KI), Partner Fellow: Marta Bally (WCMM/UmU)
Fluorine-18 radiolabelling of affibody for imaging amyloid-P plaques.
SciLifeLab Fellow: Olof Eriksson and post-doc Bo Zhang (UU), Partner Fellow: Michael Scholl (WCMM, GU)