Making an impact on the future of medicine

An AI-driven strategy to understand brain tumor growth and the use of machine learning for protein interaction studies are just two of the 15 projects that will be part of the new WASP-DDLS collaboration. Now you can learn more about all the granted projects.

In 2021, WASP and the SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program on Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS), the two largest research programs in Sweden, launched a joint call with the aim of solving ground-breaking research questions across their different scientific disciplines.

In total, 15 projects were awarded grants for two years. The granted projects can be viewed as the foundation of a new research society, where data science and life science can meet to create unique resources of competence and technical abilities. This will in turn lead to synergy effects that can benefit the entire research community.

Furthermore, these collaborations have a great potential to influence the future of medicine through a deeper understanding of biological mechanisms and improved diagnostic tools. In the long term, this can lead to better medical treatments for the benefit of everyone in our society.

Learn more about the 15 projects and what they aim to achieve.


Last updated: 2022-03-21

Content Responsible: Johan Inganni(