Science, career coaching and networking at first annual NMMP meeting
On March 14 and 15, the first annual meeting of the National Molecular Medicine Fellows Program (NMMP) took place at the IVA conference center in central Stockholm. This two-day meeting for young research group leaders offered career coaching activities, networking, research infrastructure information and a scientific symposium.
The NNMP is a joint effort by SciLifeLab and WCMM, which together span all major universities in life science in Sweden. The collaboration aims to support young group leaders (fellows) that are recruited to these centers and strengthen Swedish life science by building bridges between young group leaders across Sweden and with the life science sector in Sweden. NMMP is co-funded by a 9 million SEK grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
Read more about the NMMP collaboration
Read more about the program of the NMMP event