SciLifeLab Director on the national life science strategy
”Today’s rapid developments in life science makes for incredible opportunities, but also poses challenges. This is the time to be on our toes, otherwise we risk falling far behind.” This was the final statement by Ibrahim Baylan, Sweden’s Minister for Enterprise and Innovation as the government’s national life science strategy was presented during a press event this morning. Also presenting were Lena Hallengren, Minister of Social Affairs, and Matilda Ernkrans, Minister of Research and Higher Education.
The strategy has been developed in close dialogue with representatives from all parts of the life science sector and is to be viewed as a framework of goals and areas of prioritization. It states the importance of retaining Sweden’s position as a leading nation for research- and innovation, not only for the benefit of human health but also in the perspective of employments and welfare.
Olli Kallioniemi, Director of SciLifeLab, welcomes the governments ambitions to strengthen life science in Sweden. “Increased collaboration between sectors, utility of research infrastructure and life science data, recruitment of international talent, as well as providing the best prerequisite for transitioning precision medicine into clinical practice are all central components in SciLifeLab’s vision for the future”, Olli Kallioniemi says. “As a national infrastructure for life sciences, we look forward to working closely with all the stakeholders in the field to bring these ambitions to reality. Sweden has many strengths and now is the time to make sure we utilize them in order to promote Sweden as an internationally competitive life science nation. We also stress the importance of excellence in basic life science, which is central in allowing Sweden to sustain itself in the long-run as a leading life science nation.”
The strategy can be read entirety (in Swedish) here.