SciLifeLab infrastructure evaluation

Every four years, SciLifeLab’s infrastructure is evaluated by an international evaluation committee of experts. The evaluation is pivotal for maintaining SciLifeLab’s infrastructure at the forefront of rapidly evolving technologies and research domains.

This year’s evaluation was carried out by a committee consisting of thirteen international experts, representing life science institutions from around the world. The on-site meeting with the infrastructure platforms took place in Uppsala in April and was chaired by Daniele Soroldoni, Managing Director at Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities, and Co-Chaired by Elisa May, Chief Enabling Technology Officer at German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). The meeting was preceded by the compilation of a report of the current status and future plans of SciLifeLab’s infrastructure

“Although platforms are expected to continuously be alert to necessary updates this is the most important tool for SciLifeLab as a national research infrastructure to stay up-to-date and relevant for today’s and tomorrow’s technological needs for life science research”, says Annika Jenmalm Jensen, SciLifeLab Infrastructure Director.

In May, the evaluation committee submitted their report to SciLifeLab with detailed comments on each evaluated unit and  platform. “SciLifeLab itself is anything but ordinary. What began as a Swedish flagship project has evolved into the European benchmark for national research infrastructures in life sciences”, the report states.

“The insights we gain through the International Evaluation Committee help us to plan SciLifeLab’s infrastructure development”, says SciLifeLab Director Olli Kallioniemi, and continues “I was extremely impressed with the thorough work of the 2024 evaluation committee, and it is clear that the recommendations from this experienced and knowledgable group will be of great benefit to SciLifeLab’s future development, and thus further on, support the advancement of molecular biosciences in Sweden”.

In addition to the IEC, the infrastructure was evaluated by the National SciLifeLab Committee (representing the user community) and by representatives of 11 universities.

All infrastructure units have been invited to send their comments on the report, to ensure that all mistakes and misunderstandings are clarified.

Funding decisions for the next four-year period (2025-2028) for the SciLIfeLab National infrastructure will be done based on this report, but also considering the comments from universities and other stakeholders.  The budget decisions will, to a large extent, be influenced by the total funding available for the SciLifeLab infrastructure in the Government’s research and innovation bill to be published later this year.

Read more about the current and previous International Evaluation Committee reports >>


Last updated: 2024-07-17

Content Responsible: Anna Frejd(