SciLifeLab offers funding for national genomics studies
SciLifeLab welcomes applications for Swedish research projects based on next generation DNA sequencing. In total, this third call will provide 30 million SEK in support for sequence analysis of unique and well-characterized sample collections to study either the genetic basis of disease or environmental effects on biodiversity.
The Swedish Genomes Program and the Swedish Biodiversity Program have been running since 2014 with the support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Since then more than 40 projects have gained support through the initiative. This third call will continue to award high quality Swedish research projects access to cutting-edge sequencing technologies at a greatly reduced cost.
“We are pleased to fund national projects in human genetics and biodiversity, and expect that this will promote large collaborative projects with a strong impact on society.” Says Olli Kallioniemi, Director of SciLifeLab.
“Nordic countries with national healthcare systems and long standing registries are uniquely positioned to characterize the molecular basis of disease. Similarly, this will enable high-impact discoveries in environmental research.” Says Ulf Gyllensten, Scientific Director, SciLifeLab.
All applications are peer-reviewed and the granted projects receive access to sequencing infrastructure and significant funding to support the cost for sequencing reagents.
Read more about the call and how to apply at:
For questions and more information about this initiative please contact:
Sverker Lundin, Coordinator National Projects
For general information about the national projects and how to apply please contact:
SciLifeLab is a national infrastructure center for large-scale bioscience research. The center combines advanced technical knowhow and state of the art equipment with a broad knowledge in translational medicine and molecular bioscience.
The National Projects initiative consists of the Swedish Genomes Program and the Swedish Biodiversity Program. Both programs are based on massively parallel sequencing using the National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) at SciLifeLab, and allow Swedish scientists to carry out internationally competitive research.
Within the Swedish Genomes Program a reference database of genetic variation in Sweden has been established and is be available for comparison in genetic disease studies
The Swedish Biodiversity Program aims to target biodiversity of bacteria, viruses, archaea and eukaryotes and combinations thereof to promote large research projects aiming to uncover and understand genomic variability in nature by use of massively parallel sequencing and microbial single cell analysis.