Therapeutic oligonucleotide projects
The mission of the Drug Discovery and Development Platform (DDD) at SciLifeLab is to support researchers in developing new drugs and transforming academic ideas into new treatments. To this end, the DDD platform provides state-of-the-art drug discovery technologies to scientists across the country.
Up until recently, the platform has mainly focused on small molecules and protein drugs, but through the newly formed OligoNova Hub in Gothenburg, they are now able to increase their focus on therapeutic oligonucleotides, which are potentially faster to develop compared to other drug types.
In an upcoming call, the platforms are looking for project ideas for new therapeutic oligonucleotides that can be developed at the DDD and OligoNova platforms. Approved project ideas will be developed in close collaboration between the academic laboratory and drug development experts from both platforms. The costs of the projects will mainly be covered by the OligoNova Hub, but academic partners will be expected to contribute.
A Digital Information Meeting will be held on April 4, 2022 at 14.00–15.00, where the call will be presented. Applicants will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the call and the application process during the meeting.
Detailed instructions and information about the call and the digital information meeting will be available when the call opens on March 28, at OligoNova and SciLifeLab’s DDD platform.
The call will close on May 13, 2022.
The OligoNova hub is funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, SciLifeLab, the University of Gothenburg and private donations.