Three SciLifeLab researchers elected members of IVA
The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA, has elected 20 new members at their latest assembly. Among the new members are Helene Andersson Svahn at KTH Royal Institute of Technology/SciLifeLab, Jerker Widengren at KTH Royal Institute of Technology/SciLifeLab and Anna Wedell at Karolinska Institutet/SciLifeLab.
IVA is an independent academy with 1,300 elected Swedish and international members. They are decision-makers, experts and researchers from the private sector, academia and public administration. HM King Carl XVI Gustaf is the patron and participates in IVA’s activities. The 1,000 or so Swedish members are divided into twelve divisions, which monitor, analyze and impact important issues within their field by, for example, organizing seminars on topical issues. Helene Andersson Svahn and Anna Wedell will both be part of IVA:s division for Biotechnology and Jerker Widengren will join the division for Basic and Interdisciplinary Engineering Sciences.