SciLifeLab seminar series
The SciLifeLab series comprises several separate series

SciLifeLab The Svedberg seminar series
The SciLifeLab The Svedberg seminar series is running at the Biomedical Center in Uppsala. The seminar series’ history dates back to the middle of the 70’s. A local committee invites leading scientist from Sweden and worldwide to hold research seminars within the field of bioscience.
Spotlight seminars – The Science for Life seminar series in Campus Solna
The Spotlight seminars – Campus Solna is a high-profile seminar series that aims to invite national and international leading scientists, that are making a major impact in the field of biosciences, to come to present their ongoing research at Campus Solna. Seminars are running every month, in the SciLifeLab Gamma building, Tomtebodvägen 23 A, Solna.
SciLifeLab Data Management Seminar Series
SciLifeLab Data Management seminar series is an event series by the SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS joint Data Management team aimed at both the life science research community and infrastructure, and others with an interest in research data management in life sciences.
Tools for AI/ML research in life sciences
Tools for AI/ML research in life sciences is an event series by the SciLifeLab Data Centre aimed at life science researchers who use machine learning methods in their work. The goal of the events in this seminar series is to provide introductions to different tools for ML research but also to foster discussions around our practices and how they can be improved.