Spotlight seminars

Science for Life seminars in Campus Solna

The SciLifeLab Spotlight seminar is  is a high-profile seminar series that aims to invite leading scientists making a major impact in the field of biosciences to come to present their ongoing research at Campus Solna.

The intention is to promote an active intellectual environment at Campus Solna via networking with excellent national and international researchers to fuel new ideas and foster collaborations.

Speakers are selected via an open nomination process. They can be nominated twice per year by the SciLifeLab community at Campus Solna, employed at the KTH, Karolinska Institutet or Stockholm University. Nominations will be evaluated by a Scientific Committee. The nominator(s) of selected speakers will have the responsibility to invite the speaker to Stockholm. SciLifeLab will cover the costs for travel, accommodation and a social activity, according to the seminar guidelines.

In addition to evaluating scientific excellence and representation of the research fields, the Scientific Committee will ensure fair gender balance and inclusiveness and encourage nominations of leading scientist regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, nationality and the like.

Nomination form

Selection criteria for speakers

  • Scientific excellence
  • Presentation skills
  • Research areas of interest
  • Gender balance
  • Geografical balance

Scientific Committee

  • Adnane Achour, KI
  • Claudia Fredolini KTH
  • Fredrik Edfors KTH
  • Iskra Pollak SU
  • Marta Caroni SU
  • Ola Larsson KI
  • Stefania Giacomello KTH
  • Vicent Pelechano  KI
Instructions for approved nomination

Time and venue
These events can also be found via our Events calendar.

Spotlight seminars are held in Air and Fire at 15:00-16:00

January 23
Karolin Luger
University of Colorado, USA
Titel: Nucleosomes for all: histone-based chromatin in noneukaryotic organisms
Host: Simon Elsässer, KI
Read more:

March 1st, OBS – at 9:00
Ana Fernández-Sesma
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Titel: Modulation of Innate Immunity by Dengue Viruses: Feeling the STING
Host: Vicent Pelachano, KI

March 19
Emil Marklund
SciLifeLab Fellow at Stockholm University
Titel: Biophysical investigations of molecular recognition in high-throughput
Host: Christos Samakovlis

April 16
Erik Benson
SciLifeLab Fellow at KI
Titel: TBA
Host: Jean Hausser, KI

May 21
John Lis
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, USA
Titel: TBA
Host: Anniina Vihervaara, KTH

June 25
Ralf Jungmann
Physics & Nanoscience, LMU Munich, Germany
Titel: Localizomics: towards spatial omics using DNA-based super-resolution microscopy
Host: Hans Blom, KTH
More info HERE

Last updated: 2024-05-27

Content Responsible: Alice Sollazzo(