Dimitris Bampalikis

Head of Unit: Support, Infrastructure and Training, Uppsala University

Key publications

Alves, R., Bampalikis, D., Castro, L., Fernández, J. M., Harrow, J., Kuzak, M., … Via, A. (2021, October 25).
ELIXIR Software Management Plan for Life Sciences.

Viklund, J., Negru, S., Bahena, S., Bampalikis, D., Baskaran, J., Barbero, M. C., … Shivakumara, S. (2023, April 5).
Operator dashboard for controlling the NeIC Sensitive Data Archive.

Negru, S., Viklund, J., & Bampalikis, D. (2023, April 5).
Onboarding suite for Federated EGA nodes.

Bampalikis, D., Koumpouras, K., Negru, S., & Viklund, J. (2024, April 4).
Secure data-out API – enabling encrypted htsget transactions.

I am managing the Systems Development team at the SciLifeLab Bioinformatics Platform (NBIS). The team provides various scalable and secure software solutions supporting bioinformatics research.

We support Swedish researchers by developing and maintaining widely used software such as the pollen prognosis database, the metabolic atlas and MrBayes. Also, we are actively involved in the training metrics database, an effort to streamline data collection, storage, and visualisation for the Quality and Impact Subtask of the ELIXIR Training Platform.

At the same time, we work on European collaborations that aim to enable secure access to sensitive (human) data across Europe, such as the Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) for genomic and clinical data, the bigpicture for digital pathology slides and the Federated European Genome-phenome Archive (FEGA).

Research groups and industry partners can contact the team with requests using our service support page, where we provide a wide range of services, from consultations to code reviews and fully functional web solutions.

The team works on both backend services, including databases, APIs, and web services, as well as frontend, including websites and data visualization solutions. We have expertise in languages such as Python, Javascript, and Golang and work with technologies for containerization (e.g. Docker) and orchestration (e.g. Kubernetes).

Furthermore, the team is part of ELIXIR and actively participates in groups about Software best practices and Software management plans, aiming to make research software aligned to the principles of FAIR Research Software.

Group Members:

Alex Aperis, UU
Andreas Kähäri, UU
Annika Sonnek, UU
Henrike Wiemker, UU
Jessica Sandler, UU
Joakim Bygdell, UmU
Katarina Lejonlid, UU
Konstantinos Koumpouras, UU
Malin Klang, UU
Mattias Nyberg, UU
Nanjiang Shu, SU
Panos Chatzopoulos, UU

Last updated: 2025-01-17

Content Responsible: Hampus Persson(hampus.persson@scilifelab.uu.se)