Marcel Tarbier

DDLS Fellow, Uppsala University

Key publications

Eisele, Almut S.*; Tarbier, Marcel*; Dormann, Alexia A.; Pelechano, Vicent; Suter, David M.; “Gene-expression memory-based prediction of cell lineages from scRNA-seq datasets”, Nature Communications, 15, 2744, 2024

Reimegård, Johan*; Tarbier, Marcel*; Danielsson, Marcus*; Schuster, Jens; Baskaran, Sathishkumar; Panagiotou, Styliani; Dahl, Niklas; Friedländer, Marc R.; Gallant, Caroline J.; “A combined approach for single-cell mRNA and intracellular protein expression analysis”, Communications biology, 4, 1, 1-11, 2021

Fromm, Bastian; Tarbier, Marcel; Smith, Oliver; Mármol-Sánchez, Emilio; Dalén, Love; Gilbert, M. Tom P.; Friedländer, Marc R.; “Ancient microRNA profiles of 14,300-yr-old canid samples confirm taxonomic origin and provide glimpses into tissue-specific gene regulation from the Pleistocene”, RNA, 27, 3, 324-334, 2021

Tarbier, Marcel; Mackowiak, Sebastian D.; Frade, João; Catuara-Solarz, Silvina; Biryukova, Inna; Gelali, Eleni; Menéndez, Diego Bárcena; Zapata, Luis; Ossowski, Stephan; Bienko, Magda; Gallant, Caroline J.; Friedländer, Marc R.; “Nuclear gene proximity and protein interactions shape transcript covariations in mammalian single cells”, Nature Communications, 11, 5445, 2020

We develop and apply innovative computational tools to infer and integrate complex cell features (e.g., cellular ancestries and micro-environment) to dissect intra-tumor cancer heterogeneity, especially phenotype switches (e.g., acquisition of therapy resistance and tissue invasion). Our aim is to identify and characterize markers for disease progression, molecular phenotypes that can guide treatment and novel therapeutic targets to improve patient care through precision medicine. While working purely computationally, we apply an interdisciplinary approach bringing together cutting-edge molecular biology, technology and algorithms – together with our collaborators and partners in academia and industry.

Group members

TBD (You? Get in touch!)

Last updated: 2025-01-08

Content Responsible: Hampus Persson(