The IMT-Umeå unit focuses on volume EM imaging by Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM). This technique is site specific and can answer scientific questions about the 3D context of organelles, cells and tissue. Our Scios FIB-SEM is equipped with a sensitive in-lens backscattered electron detector that reveals compositional differences in a sample, similar to a conventional TEM.
The FIB-SEM is also equipped with a gallium ion source that will mill away material on any type of sample inside the microscope. Cycles of repetitive milling and scanning of the same surface results in a 3D image volume of the sample, with equal resolution (5-20 nm) in all (x, y and z) dimensions. After computational alignment of a stack of images into a 3D-volume, cells and organelles can be segmented and provide a visual 3D model of the selected cell or tissue volume.
We provide service and training for all users with sample preparation, microscopy and image processing.
Group Members:
Nils Hauff