Simon Ekström received his PhD-degree in Electrical measurements (Area: Medical and chemical microsystems) in 2006 from Lund University. The PhD-thesis work was performed in a cross-disciplinary environment involving researchers from the Engineering and Medical faculties in Lund as well as from the company Astra Zeneca, also in Lund.

Following the PhD-degree, Simon spent many years developing the area of microtechnology for protein analysis at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, while also working in a start-up company, based on his ideas, where he was responsible for R&D .

In 2017 he transferred to the medical faculty and joined BioMS to build up and develop HDX-MS as resource for structural protein analysis, since 2021 he is head of unit for the Scilifelab unit Stuctural Protomics, part of the ISB platform, where he and his colleagues have been very successful in helping researchers and companies understand different aspects of protein structure, dynamics and interaction.

Group members:

Simon Ekström
Lucas Hultgren
Lotta Happonen
Filip Årman
Johan Malström

Last updated: 2025-01-20

Content Responsible: Hampus Persson(