SciLifeLab & Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science
Latest news
First call joint call for seed-money between WASP-HS and DDLS
KAW supports a Program for Academic Leaders in Life Science (PALS)
20 open permanent staff positions for the new Data platform and Data Science Nodes (DSNs)
Successful DDLS Industry dialogue initiated
First DDLS Annual Conference and poster session
DDLS research
Data-driven life science is a field of research that focuses on using data, computational methods and artificial intelligence to study biological systems and processes. Read more about the four strategic DDLS research areas, joint research projects, and our Fellows.
Fellows program
The DDLS Fellows program is a career program aiming at accelerating the data-driven paradigm shift in life sciences. The DDLS Fellows will form the base of the next-generation of data-driven life scientists in Sweden, and create globally leading computational and data science capabilities.
DDLS Education & training
DDLS Research school
The DDLS research school is a national initiative that will train scientists with high competence within the DDLS research areas. The aim is to meet the future needs within data-driven life sciences in R&D, industry, health care and society at large.
DDLS Training
Training within the DDLS program aims to upskill the broad life science community in data-driven life science by offering lifelong learning in an openly accessible way.
Contact us
Reach the team coordinating the DDLS program on: