The research school is embedded in the organizational structure of the DDLS program and is led by the Research School Director (RSD), who also chairs the research school management group (RSMG). The Research School Director works closely with the research school managers and personnel from the Operations Office (OO).
The Research School Management Group consists of representatives from: the DDLS research areas, the industry, the SciLifeLab training platform, Ethical conduct representative and PhD students and are appointed by the DDLS Steering Group. It is an operative group with several responsibilities and mandates. The constitution of the group reflects the DDLS program and the members will provide input and experience within the areas that are important for the DDLS Research School.
Advisory organs
There are several advisory organs that provides input to the DDLS Research School: DDLS National Reference Group (DDLS NRG), DDLS fellows, DDLS Research Area experts groups and Training Reference Group (TRG). These advisory organs ensure input on a national level from all partners as well as DDLS expertise.
The focus is to create a collaborative network and an environment in which synergy between education, research and innovation is reflected and strongly integrated into graduate education. To provide PhD students with a context, knowledge and skills necessary to perform cutting-edge research within the field of DDLS and with a direct impact on the societal challenges we are facing.
Role of the DDLS Research School Management group
The Research School Management Group (RSMG) is the operative group that closely works with the research school managers and personnel from the Operations Office (OO) and is chaired by the Research School Directors, Olof Emanuelsson (KTH) and Peetra Magnusson (UU). RSMG has several responsibilities and mandates. The constitution of the group reflects the DDLS program and the members will provide input and experience within the areas that are important for the DDLS Research School (RS).
The focus is to create a collaborative network and an environment in which synergy between education, research and innovation is reflected and strongly integrated into graduate education. To provide PhD students with a context, knowledge and skills necessary to perform cutting-edge research within the field of DDLS and with a direct impact on the societal challenges we are facing.
Responsibilities and mandates
Preparation of the RSMG budget for decision in SciLifeLab Board and execute decisions within the budget frames set by the SciLifeLab board
- Responsibility for scientific excellence and quality of courses and range of courses offered in RS
- Responsibility for follow-up on PhD students
- Responsibility for up-to date connection to research
- Initiating external evaluation of the research school
- Suggesting funding for PhD and post-doc candidates (after evaluation by appointed group) for approval of DDLS Director
The research school management group will be chaired by the director of RS and have appointed members that represents the DDLS program and the research school:
Representation area | Name and affiliation |
Director, Chair RSMG | Olof Emanuelsson, KTH |
Director, Chair RSMG | Peetra Magnusson, UU |
Research area: Cell and Molecular Biology | Lukas Käll, KTH |
Research area: Epidemiology and biology of infection | Joakim Esbjörnsson, LU (deputy Mattias Collin, LU) |
Research area: Evolution and Biodiversity | Lisa Klasson, UU |
Research area: Precision Medicine and Diagnostics | Wen Zhong, Liu (deputy Alberto Zenre, LiU) |
Industry | Gabriella Rustici, AstraZeneca (deputy Vera Hazelwood, Astra Zeneca) |
Industry | Maja Neiman, SwedenBIO (deputy Marjo Puumalainen, SwedenBIO) |
Training | Jessica Lindvall, SU |
Ethical Conduct | Mojgan Seraji, UU |
DDLS Steering Group | Erik Kristiansson, Chalmers |
PhD/post-doc | Emilia Lahtinen, KI |
Representatives in RSMG are elected for 2 years (PhD students 1 year) with the possibility of prolongation
The RSMG will have approximately 3 meetings per semester á 2 hours. Representatives might be asked to participate in additional assignments.
The DDLS Research School (RS) is a national initiative with 11 partners, that will train highly skilled scientists within the four DDLS research areas.
Epidemiology and Biology of infection
Cell and molecular biology
Evolution and biodiversity
Precision Medicine and Diagnostics
The DDLS Research School offers the young researchers a unique possibility to gain cutting edge knowledge within data-driven life science and to network with other junior and senior researchers within their field of research as well as within inter-disciplinary research fields.
The Research School will offer the students education and training to make sure that they have the necessary skills to conduct state of the art research. Teaching will be provided by national and international experts. The SciLifeLab Training Hub is closely linked to the research school and provides additional training. Find out more
Students in the Research School will also be provided with networking opportunities, both as a part of the RS curriculum (annual retreats), and as part of the DDLS program, such as the DDLS annual conference and Research Area symposia. They will meet fellow PhD students and post-docs as well as national and international prominent researchers from both academia and industry.
The Research School will have an annual admission of PhD students for both the academia and the industry. From 2026 postdocs will also be admitted to the school. The positions will be announced here
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