Data-driven Epidemiology and biology of infection
The subject area concerns research that will use big experimental, clinical, or pathogen surveillance data in innovative ways to transform our understanding of pathogens, their interactions with hosts and the environment, and how they are transmitted through populations. The priority area covers computational analysis or predictive modelling of pathogen-host systems for which multidimensional, genome-scale experimental data are now available and extends to using population-scale genetic, clinical, or public health data from pathogen surveillance efforts and biobanks.

Research area-specific DDLS Fellows
The DDLS Fellows program is a career program aiming at accelerating the data-driven paradigm shift in life sciences. The DDLS Fellows will form the base of the next-generation of data-driven life scientists in Sweden, and create globally leading computational and data science capabilities.
Meet the Data-driven Epidemiology and biology of infection fellows:
Interview with Laura Carroll (UmU)
Interview with Luisa Hugerth (UU)‘
Interview with Camila Consiglio (LU)
Interview with Andrea Fossati (KI)
Contact information:
Research area specific expert group
The DDLS-Steering group has appointed research area (RA) specific expert groups to plan,
coordinate and steer activities within each RA. The members were selected in an open call for nominations.
The role of a DDLS research area specific expert group is to:
• advise on research area specific strategies and research profiles for the scientific programs of the DDLS
• suggest and co-organize activities and community events around the research area topics.
• advise on the design of calls and take part in evaluation or pre-screening of grant calls.
• advise and support the DDLS fellows, post docs and PhDs within the area.
• advise and support DDLS data services and bioinformatics support, the training hub and research school within each research area.
• engage the national DDLS community within each RA, consider policy issues as well as relevant ethical, legal and societal challenges.
Members of The Data-driven Epidemiology and biology of infection expert group:
Patrik Medstrand, Lund University
Joakim Dillner, Karolinska Institutet
Erik Kristiansson, Chalmers University of Technology
Staffan Svärd, Uppsala University (SciLifeLab Pandemic Laboratory Preparedness Capability representative)
Tom Britton, Stockholm University
Tove Fall, Uppsala University
Gunilla Karlsson Hedestam, Karolinska Institutet
Vicente Pelechano Garcia, Karolinska Institutet
Johan Trygg, Umeå University (adjunct as Epidemiology and biology of infection Data Science Node representative)
Oliver Billker, Umeå University (chair and member of the DDLS steering group)
News article: DDLS Data Driven Epidemiology and biology of Infection RA expert group appointed
Research area lead and coordination
Research area lead for the Data-driven Epidemiology and biology of infection research area is Oliver Billker (UmU) and coordinator is Nora Lehotai (UmU)
Please reach out with any questions, suggestions or research collaboration inquiries.