Share data

SciLifeLab Data Centre promotes Open Science and data sharing according to the FAIR principles, (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). In the SciLifeLab Research data management guidelines (RDM guidelines), you can find data type specific information on this topic. For datasets that do not fit into domain-specific repositories using a general repository e.g. SciLifeLab Data Repository is recommended.

Read more about sharing data

SciLifeLab Data Repository

The SciLifeLab Data Repository, powered by Figshare and supported by SciLifeLab and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation through the Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) program, is a repository for publishing any kind of research-related data, e.g. documents, figures, or presentations. Figshare is an open data repository used by researchers in numerous disciplines. Through an agreement with Figshare, SciLifeLab offers researchers and units the opportunity to upload and publish their research data through a dedicated portal. 

Read more about the SciLifeLab Data Repository
Go to the submission guidelines

Share human data

How can SciLifeLab help you to share your human data?

Who can get help? If you are a researcher at a Swedish academic institution working in SciLifeLab’s areas of activity, you can get help from SciLifeLab Data Management support team.

Read more about sharing human data

Data Availability and Access

SciLifeLab DataCentre provides a number of scientific resources of national interest. Among these are the Swedish allele frequency database, SweFreq, and data access services for large scale genomic data from SciLifeLab supported sequencing projects.

Read more about Data Availability and Access

GDPR for life science data

On 25 May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, replaced our Swedish Personal Data Act. The biggest changes were that individuals’ rights are now more strongly protected and the Regulation applies in all EU countries.

The General Data Protection Regulation requires a legal basis for all processing of personal data. Individuals are given greater control over their personal data in various ways. Their right to access data that they have submitted themselves is strengthened, as is the possibility of having information corrected or being forgotten and having information erased. All processing of personal data must comply with the fundamental principles specified in the GDPR. 

SciLifeLab is a national resource and a collaboration between universities, therefore specific guidelines from each university should be followed. To facilitate your compliance with GDPR, general information has been collected below.

More information regarding the specific GDPR procedures at our host universities can be found here:

Do you need help with agreements regarding processing or transfer of data or material? Or other types of legal documents? Please use the contact details below for the different universities:

Other useful links with more information regarding GDPR:

Read more about GDPR

Last updated: 2024-02-14

Content Responsible: Anna Asklof(