Events and courses

Bringing life science professionals together and furthering skills in the scientific community are in SciLifeLab’s DNA. Our many events and courses, which span a wide range of topics, present opportunities to develop your know-how and share your own experiences and network – sparking new ideas, as well as new collaborations. 


If you are part of the SciLifeLab community, you can submit an event to this calendar.

  1. Events
  2. Event

Uppsala Antibiotic Days

Uppsala Antibiotic Days aims to bring together researchers, clinicians, students, and the community at large to present their breakthroughs and experiences with AMR. 
In collaboration with SciLifeLab - PANDEMIC LABORATORY PREPAREDNESS , Uppsala Antibiotic Center, PLATINEA, ENABLE-2

Pandemic Laboratory Preparedness at SciLifeLab
Universitetsaulan Biskopsgatan 3, Uppsala, Sweden

Pathways Uncharted: Navigating the Future of Life Sciences

Please join us in commemorating Olli Kallioniemi's tenure as Director of SciLifeLab at this upcoming symposium, "Pathways Uncharted: Navigating the Future of Life Sciences" on May 30, 2024, Karolinska Institutet. […]

Jacob Berzelius salen, KI Berzelius väg 3, Solna, Sweden

Biodiversitetskrisen och genetisk forskning – vad är Sveriges svar?

Planeten vi bebor förändras allt snabbare. Inom kort kan många ikoniska arter vara ett minne blott; ål, flodkräfta och fjälluggla bland flera andra. Vi måste studera dessa, för att kunna rädda dem, innan det är för sent. Hjälp svenska forskare att hjälpa svensk natur!

SciLifeLab i Almedalen
Yoda Bar & Café Skeppsbron 24, Visby, Sweden

Framtidens hälso- och sjukvård och forskning möjliggörs tack vare europeisk satsning på genomikdata

För förbättrad sjukvård (precisionsmedicin) och ökad kunskap om genetisk variation arbetar Europa tillsammans för att ge forskare och läkare tillgång till viktiga genomikdata. Med lagstiftning på hälsodataområdet och säker tillgång till data skapas nya möjligheter för framtidens sjukvård o forskning

SciLifeLab i Almedalen
D-huset, Campus Gotland Kaserngatan 1, Visby, Sweden

Hur kan storskaliga molekylära analyser leda till precisionshälsa?

Kan storskalig generering av molekylära data inom hälso- och sjukvården möjliggöra välriktade preventiva insatser, tidig sjukdomsdiagnostik och individanpassad behandling för befolkningen?

SciLifeLab i Almedalen
D-huset, Campus Gotland Kaserngatan 1, Visby, Sweden

Clinical Genomics Uppsala – Celebrating 10 years of translational research 

Save the Date! Clinical Genomics Uppsala invites you to a half-day symposium to celebrate 10 years of translational research - Past achievements and future opportunities in precision medicine More information […]

Clinical Genomics Uppsala
Rudbecksalen, Rudbecklaboratoriet Dag Hammarskjöldsväg 20, Uppsala

Linköping Ion Channel Meeting

Welcome to the first Linköping Ion Channel Meeting Linköping University hosts some of Sweden’s most successful ion-channel investigators and the national high-throughput electrophysiology core facility. To celebrate our passion for […]

SciLifeLab Linköping
University Hospital Campus, Linköping University Universitetssjukhuset, Linköping, Sweden

Planetary Biology 2024 Conference – Linking molecules to ecosystems

The Planetary Biology capability at SciLifeLab is glad to announce its first conference and all-hands meeting under the topic “Linking molecules to ecosystems”. This two-day conference will gather keynote speakers, […]

SciLifeLab Planetary Biology capability
Europasalen, Konferenscentrum Wallenberg, Gothenburg Medicinaregatan 20, Göteborg, Sweden

SciLifeLab Science Summit – Spatial Biology

The Annual Conference SciLifeLab Science Summit is a one-day symposium with a new topic each year. The topic for 2024 is Spatial Biology. The Science Summit aims to create awareness […]

Uppsala Konsert & Kongress Vaksala torg 1, Uppsala, Sweden

SciLifeLab Day Uppsala

Save the date! The SciLifeLab site in Uppsala welcomes you to a full day of vibrant and inspiring Science. During this event, SciLifeLab Uppsala will highlight the research and infrastructure […]

SciLifeLab Uppsala
University Main Building Biskopsgatan 3, Uppsala

Long-Read Sequencing Uppsala Meeting 2024

In recent years, long-read DNA sequencing has replaced short-read technologies as the gold standard solution for a wide range of genomics applications. In addition to producing high-quality de novo genome assembly, long-read technologies can […]

National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI)
Universitetsaulan Biskopsgatan 3, Uppsala, Sweden

Last updated: 2023-10-26

Content Responsible: Isolde Palombo(