Call for proposals: Access CBGE’s technologies at significantly reduced cost
Chemical Biology and Genome Engineering (CBGE) is a SciLifeLab Infrastructure platform with the mission to turn phenotypic observation into mechanistic insight. We do this by combining chemical, proteomic, and genetic approaches. The platform consists of three units:
- Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden (CBCS)
- CRISPR Functional Genomics (CFG)
- Chemical Proteomics (Chem Prot)
We are now looking for projects that can benefit from the synergies between at least two platform units.
Purpose of the call
The call is aimed at the identification of platform pipeline projects (PPPs), which will benefit from the synergies between the CBGE units’ complementary technologies. CBGE’s services are particularly well suited for probing the cellular effects of small compounds (target discovery, mechanism-of-action elucidation, target deconvolution, binding site mapping, …). However, any project that would benefit from services provided by at least two platform units will be considered.
Eligibility and application process
All research group leaders at any Swedish university are eligible to apply. Please submit a short project proposal in PDF format, maximally two pages.
The proposal must contain the following sections:
1) Brief scientific background and significance
2) Project description including any existing data and project history (if applicable)
3) Proposed funding of the project and available staff resources
4) CBGE’s proposed role in the project and its added value.
Project proposals should be submitted to
The deadline for this call is February 20th, 2023. Short-listed candidates will be informed in due course and will be invited to a consultation meeting with CBGE in March 2023. In this meeting, we will explore together with the applicant whether the project would benefit from the services of at least two of the three platform units. Such multi-unit use is a requirement for the project to be considered as PPP. A final decision will be made by the evaluation committee after completion of all consultation meetings.
Contact Details
Information about this call and CBCS services
Anna-Lena Gustavsson (Platform Director, Head of Unit)
CFG services
Bernhard Schmierer (Platform co-Director, Head of Unit)
ChemProt services
Massimilano Gaetani (Head of Unit)