DDLS program developments: steering group’s first meeting
The steering group for the SciLifeLab & Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) was elected by the SciLifeLab board in late November after an open call for nominations, and is now up and running and held its first official meeting on January 18. What are the next steps now, and what DDLS program developments are coming up during 2021?
The group, consisting of ten renowned researchers selected on their scientific expertise within diverse areas of life science and computational approaches, are responsible for managing the program together with the program Director Olli Kallioniemi (SciLifeLab Director). The group will take an active role in establishing and maintaining DDLS as a truly national program at the highest international and scientific level and this first meeting marks a key a step towards the upcoming activities within the DDLS program.
“It is fantastic to get the DDLS program underway and I am excited to work with a dedicated and talented group of experts. The DDLS steering group prepares decisions for the SciLifeLab board on all aspects of the program and oversees the execution of board decisions. The first tasks involve e.g. getting the DDLS group leader positions announced together with the universities, developing data storage, database, and data processing capabilities, in close collaboration with data scientists, such as within the WASP program”, says Olli Kallioniemi.
“In addition, there will be a major focus in promoting availability of open data in a FAIR manner. We will now have monthly meetings with the DDLS steering group. This will help not only to get the program up and running, but also to clarify the long-term goals and strategies, along with engagement of the community”, Olli Kallioniemi continues.
The DDLS program is funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation as a 12-year program across all major Swedish universities and the Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM), and focuses on four distinct areas of life science. Read more about the program and its steering group on the DDLS landing page.