Multiple Swedish Research Council grants to SciLifeLab infrastructure
The Swedish Research Council (VR) recently decided on the applications to be awarded grants within the call Research infrastructure of national interest. Among those grants, you can find multiple SciLifeLab infrastructure units, either directly or through affiliation.
The research infrastructures that were approved got selected either on the basis of a needs inventory that was carried out during 2021, or have an ongoing grant due to end in 2023 or 2024.
These grants are a massive help in maintaining the cutting-edge infrastructure required to advance research in Sweden.
Congratulations to:
- National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI)
- National Bioinformatics Infrastructure (NBIS)
- BioMS (Chemical Proteomics)
- National Microscopy Infrastructure (NMI)
- ArchLab (Ancient DNA)
More information can be found on the Swedish Research Council’s website.