SciLifeLab Days – A successful inauguration of SciLifeLab national sites

The inauguration of SciLifeLab site offices in Gothenburg, Umeå, Lund, and Linköping has been a success. These events brought together a diverse group of participants, demonstrating the importance of SciLifeLab’s work in different regions of Sweden. The groundwork has been laid for enhanced engagement and collaborative research, benefiting SciLifeLab and Sweden’s broader life science community.

In December 2022, this project was initiated by the SciLifeLab Operations office together with the capabilities as well as the site directors and coordinators at all four locations. The primary objective of this project was to inaugurate SciLifeLab site offices in Sweden. Each inauguration event aimed to engage the scientific community, promote collaborative research, and highlight the national research infrastructure in life science.

932 individuals attended the four SciLifeLab Days, engaging a diverse group of participants from the academic and industrial research communities, as well as healthcare representatives, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration.

SciLifeLab Day Linköping was inaugurated with a ceremonial DNA strand cutting.

In summary, these inaugural events have collectively demonstrated SciLifeLab’s role in shaping the future of life science research in Sweden. They have also shown how SciLifeLab can benefit future research in all parts of Sweden.

Project Teams

Operations Office

Lars Johansson
Per Lek
Anna Frejd
David Gotthold

Local Teams

Elisabet Carlsohn
Maria Smedh

Linda Sandblad
Sara Sandin

Markus Heidenblad
Esther González-Padilla


Fredrik Elinder
Josefine Sandström

Reports from the SciLifeLab Days


Last updated: 2023-10-31

Content Responsible: victor kuismin(