1. Events
  2. Organizers
  3. Data Management seminar series

Discover SciLifeLab cutting-edge services supporting data sharing: Data Repository and Serve

Welcome to join the first event this Spring in the SciLifeLab Data Management seminar series. The topic of this online seminar is “Discover SciLifeLab cutting-edge services supporting data sharing: Data Repository and Serve". The seminar will start with an introduction to data sharing followed by presentations of two SciLifeLab services connected to data sharing; SciLifeLab Data Repository […]

Data Management seminar series
Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Publish code, software and workflows: Examples of why and how from SciLifeLab

This seminar will highlight why code, research software and computational workflows are important research assets and it will also showcase practical approaches to sharing, citing and getting recognition for your work. The event opens with a presentation followed by a dynamic Q&A session to elaborate on the motivations and good practices based in examples from […]

Data Management seminar series
Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Research involving human data – what do I need to think of as a researcher?

This seminar will focus on collecting and using personal data in research. We will guide you through the different phases of a typical research project and discuss some commonly asked questions. We will, for example, talk about practical aspects of the ethical review, GDPR, and how to share sensitive data. This is the third event […]

Data Management seminar series
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Open Science and the SciLifeLab Open Science initiative

Welcome to join the next event in the SciLifeLab Data Management seminar series, "Open Science and the Open Science initiative". During this session, we welcome Chris Erdmann, Head of Open Science at SciLifeLab. He will provide a background on Open Science, offering insights to navigate and comply with open science guidelines and policies. We will […]

Data Management seminar series
Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Publish code, software and workflows: Examples of why and how from SciLifeLab

This seminar will highlight why code, research software and computational workflows are important research assets and it will also showcase practical approaches to sharing, citing and getting recognition for your work. The event opens with a presentation followed by a dynamic Q&A session to elaborate on the motivations and good practices based in examples from […]

Data Management seminar series
Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Research involving human data – what do I need to think of as a researcher?

This seminar will focus on collecting and using personal data in research. We will guide you through the different phases of a typical research project and discuss some commonly asked questions. We will, for example, talk about GDPR, and secure management and sharing of sensitive data, among others. When: Tuesday October 15, 10-11 CET (Zoom) […]

Data Management seminar series
Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Make your data count: Process, publish and reuse your metabarcoding output in SBDI

Join this seminar by the Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure (SBDI) to discover tools for converting amplicon sequence reads into species occurrence data that contribute to global biodiversity knowledge. We will introduce SBDI and GBIF platforms, and demonstrate SBDI resources for metabarcoding data, including a guide for ENA submission, a pipeline for denoising reads into Amplicon […]

Data Management seminar series
Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Last updated: 2024-02-15

Content Responsible: David Gotthold(david.gotthold@scilifelab.se)