SciLifeLab Group Leaders

The SciLifeLab research community is a dynamic, interdisciplinary network of scientists from various fields within molecular life sciences, united by the goal of addressing critical challenges in health, biodiversity, and sustainability. With a unique mandate to promote biology-, technology-, and data-driven excellence in life sciences, SciLifeLab fosters collaboration and innovation, driving breakthroughs in e.g. genomics, bioinformatics, molecular biosciences, and precision medicine, while advancing solutions for healthcare, the environment, industry, and other sectors of society.

Below, you can find out more about the work of our SciLifeLab Group Leaders.

A SciLifeLab Group Leader is responsible for a research group in life science, a technology platform or unit at SciLifeLab, and also includes the SciLifeLab Fellows and DDLS Fellows. They all have a strong commitment to our center and affiliate with SciLifeLab, as well as a Swedish organisation in life science.

According to the newly established process for selecting SciLifeLab Group Leaders, nominations are processed annually, and emphasises the group leader’s contributions towards biology-, technology- and data-driven excellence in life science and its implementation in health care, environment, industry and other sectors of society, in line with SciLifeLab’s five strategic objectives. For more detailed information on these objectives, please visit

Information for sciLifeLab group leaders

Helena Danielson

Uppsala University

Carl-Henrik Heldin

Uppsala University

Per I Arvidsson

Karolinska Institutet
Platform Director: Drug Discovery and Development

Bo Lundgren

Stockholm University
Head of Unit, Biochemical and Cellular Assay Facility, DDD Platform

Yumeng Mao

Uppsala University

Nicholas Pearce

Linköping University
DDLS Fellow

Mia Phillipson

Professor, Uppsala University
Co-Director SciLifeLab

Kristian Sandberg

Uppsala University
Platform Co-Director
Drug Discovery and Development

Kevin Smith


Golnaz Taheri

KTH Royal Institute of Technology
DDLS Fellow

Carolina Wählby

Uppsala University

Ulrika Yngve

Medicinal Chemistry-Lead Identification

Last updated: 2025-02-10

Content Responsible: Disa Hammarlöf(