Make your data count: Process, publish and reuse your metabarcoding output in SBDI

November 5, 2024, 10:00 – 11:00
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Data Management seminar series
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Make your data count: Process, publish and reuse your metabarcoding output in SBDI

Virtual Event Virtual Event

November 5 @ 10:00 11:00 CET

Join this seminar by the Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure (SBDI) to discover tools for converting amplicon sequence reads into species occurrence data that contribute to global biodiversity knowledge. We will introduce SBDI and GBIF platforms, and demonstrate SBDI resources for metabarcoding data, including a guide for ENA submission, a pipeline for denoising reads into Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs), a web interface for submitting and accessing ASV data in SBDI, and an R package for processing downloaded data into ASV table format.

When: Tuesday November 5, 10-11 CET (Zoom)

Anders Andersson, SciLifeLab, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Maria Prager, SciLifeLab, Stockholm University / Karolinska Institutet
Jeanette Tångrot, NBIS, SciLifeLab, Umeå University

SciLifeLab Data Management seminar series is an event series by the SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS joint Data Management team aimed at both the life science research community and infrastructure, and others with an interest in research data management in life sciences. The events will showcase how to put the FAIR principles, and good data management into practice. The goal of the events in this seminar series is to provide interesting seminars around topics related to research data management in general but also to foster discussions around best practices and how they can be improved. The events takes place virtually (over Zoom) and are open to everyone, (researchers, staff, RDM professionals etc.) working at or affiliated with a Swedish research institute or university. Each event is scheduled for 60 minutes, including 15 minutes for discussions and Q & A. The videos will be published openly after the seminars at the SciLifeLab YouTube channel.
More information about SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS joint Data Management team:


Organisers: SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden
For more information or inquiries please contact:

Last updated: 2024-10-14

Content Responsible: Richelle Björvang(