Events and courses

Bringing life science professionals together and furthering skills in the scientific community are in SciLifeLab’s DNA. Our many events and courses, which span a wide range of topics, present opportunities to develop your know-how and share your own experiences and network – sparking new ideas, as well as new collaborations. 


If you are part of the SciLifeLab community, you can submit an event to this calendar.

KTH: Building and sharing machine learning demo applications

This event is open to everyone at KTH. It consists of a workshop followed by a free lunch for all participants. Title: Building and sharing machine learning demo applications: a practical tutorial. Organizer: KTH Library staff and AI Data Engineers from the SciLifeLab Serve team. Where and when: January 17, 2025 at 10:00-13:00 at KTH […]

SciLifeLab Data Centre
KTH Library, room Salongen Osquars backe 31, Stockholm, Sweden

Infection Biology Across Scales

An EMBL-SciLifeLab-MIMS workshop on infection The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), SciLifeLab and the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) invite you to an in-person workshop on infection biology on 3-4 February 2025 in Umeå.  The workshop will focus on exploring complementary platforms and capabilities of the three organizations in light of the most […]

SciLifeLab, MIMS and EMBL
Rotundan, Umeå University Universums Gränd 4, Umeå, Sweden

AIMday Precisionsmedicin

Tid: 6 februari 2025, 09:00-13:00Plats: Biomedicinskt centrum (BMC), Navet, Husargatan 3, entré C11, Uppsala Är du intresserad av precisionsmedicin och vill bidra till att nya lösningar utvecklas och implementeras i hälso- och sjukvården?  Precisionsmedicinskt centrum Uppsala (PMCU) och SciLifeLab bjuder gemensamt in till AIMday Precisionsmedicin. Utifrån kliniska behov och frågeställningar inom området precisionsmedicin bjuder vi in dig […]

Navet, SciLifeLab Uppsala SciLifeLab Uppsala, BMC C11, Husargatan 3, Uppsala, Sweden

Navigating the Research Data Landscape: Publication Practices at a Swedish university

Researchers are increasingly expected by governments, funders, journals, and institutions to make their research data accessible online. The aim of the Swedish government is that such practices should be implemented by 2026. However, little is known about whether, how, and where researchers publish or share their data. This seminar will focus on the results of […]

Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Save the date: Automation of research workflows with LLMs and AI

SciLifeLab is thrilled to invite you to the symposium 'Automation of research workflows with LLMs and AI' to be held on March 6 at Eva & Georg Klein lecture hall, Biomedicum, Karolinska Institutet Campus Solna. The purpose of the symposium is knowledge sharing, inspiration, and reflection on the future of scientific processes in life sciences […]

Eva & Georg Klein lecture hall, Biomedicum Solnavägen 9, 171 65 Solna, Solna, Sweden

DDLS Research School Annual Meeting

The first DDLS Research School Annual Meeting for PhDs and PIs, including DDLS fellows. This meeting is by invitation only. DDLS PhD students are invited to participate the entire duration of the meeting (18-21 March), while their supervisors are invited to participate 18-19 March (afternoon-to-lunch) Preliminary program Tuesday March 18:  14:30 Registration and coffee (PhD […]

Djurönäset Seregårdsvägen 1, Djurhamn

DDLS EBI symposium

The DDLS research area symposia series aims to engage and build a strong national scientific community around the DDLS research themes. Each of the four areas arranges two symposia per year. Everyone interested in data-driven research is welcome to take part. We want to bring together researchers, industry, and healthcare to foster collaboration and push […]

DDLS Epidemiology and biology of infection research area expert group
PÄRLAN – Albano – Hus 1 / Plan 6 Roslagsvägen 26, Stockholm

SciLifeLab Group leader retreat

Save the date for the SciLifeLab Group leader retreat 2025!

SciLifeLab Event
Skogshem & Wijk Hustegavägen 1, Lidingö

Last updated: 2025-01-15

Content Responsible: Elisavet Torstensson(