The protein structure prediction problem: from Anfinsen’s hypothesis to AlphaFold and beyond
August 16 @ 10:00 – 11:00 CEST
Claudio Mirabello, NBIS, Linköping University
Abstract: Proteins are the tools responsible for most essential functions carried in every organism, from viruses to mammals. In order to better understand the way a protein works, it is important to know its three-dimensional structure. In the past few years, new Machine Learning technologies – neural networks not too dissimilar to those powering ChatGPT – have made it possible to greatly accelerate the process of determination of protein structures by leveraging their evolutionary history. But how do these new technologies work, how did we get to build tools such as AlphaFold and what comes next?
NBIS arranges an open AI and IO Seminar Series aimed at knowledge-sharing about Artificial Intelligence and Integrative Omics (AI & IO) analysis and applications in the Life Science community. The seminar series is open to everyone. The seminar is run over Zoom on the third Friday of the month during academic terms, typically between 10 and 11 am, with approx. 45 min long presentation and 15 min discussion.