Life science industry

Life science industry

With more than 100 company interactions yearly, SciLifeLab actively support swedish life science industry by providing access to essential infrastructure and increasing the knowledge transfer between academia and industry in strategic areas. 

Multiple projects within SciLifeLab are performed to support users from large companies, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). In addition, SciLifeLab and its affiliated faculty have an extensive track record of collaborating with industrial partners, both within specific research fields and technology development. 

The External Relations Office at SciLifeLab works closely with the Innovation Offices of the host universities to identify and set up joint initiatives to facilitate collaborations with industry (possibilities for seed funding, contractual issues etc). We welcome both national and international companies to collaborate and are continuously developing our strategies for fostering partnership with the private sector.

Do you want to explore possibilities at SciLifeLab?

Contact the Infrastructure units directly or get help finding your way by contacting external relations.


SciLifeLab industry access project

Strengthened competitiveness with increased access for industry to SciLifeLab’s research infrastructure” is the name of a two year project funded by Vinnova, running 2024-2026. To further strengthen Sweden’s position in life science, health, and innovation, access to SciLifeLab’s infrastructure needs to be simplified for life science companies so that they can more easily utilize SciLifeLab’s resources to facilitate their own growth. The project aim to formulate a comprehensive guideline and process for the private sector, from the first contact with SciLifeLab to full implementation. 

Industry use of SciLifeLab infrastructure

Last updated: 2024-09-18

Content Responsible: Josefin Lundgren Gawell(