Clinical Talks

Clinical Talks is back for more! With a brand new and shiny Season 6. After successfully completing 5 seasons with > 70 enthusiastic Clinical Talkers to our record, we have barely scratched the surface of all the amazing work our clinical, academic and industry Life Science community has to offer. Thus, Season 6, will feature at least ten more Clinical Talks according to ”the same procedure as every year.”
The Talks will be held via ZOOM monthly on Fridays 09:00-09:30 am (exceptions will occur). The short talks will be followed by an interactive Q&A session moderated by the Clinical Talks co-hosts Päivi Östling and/or Michael Akhras. A novelty for this season will be invited guest appearances of moderators with unique subject matter expertise to complement the Speaker.
The theme of Season 6 will be “Making the Impossible Possible.” The invited Speakers who in their unique way embody their Sisiphys like struggle to embark on seemingly impossible projects, transformations and technological dreams. Which are subsequently turned into reality with huge potentials for our common societal benefit. This is all done with their hard work and impressive dedication, and for some, once completed, they start all over again with new projects and barriers to tear down.
Our post-pandemic world has lately been facing multiple challenges, and for a brief moment, why not emerge in the potentials academic, clinical, and industrial research, and technology development has to offer in terms of novel solutions moving forward. So join us, get inspired, learn something new, and make valuable contacts for the future to come…
KI Innovations
KI Innovations utilizes research results in life science by evaluating and verifying projects with commercial potential and supporting the business development to corporatization or licensing. Karolinska Institutet’s innovation system offers education, professional networks, financing, expert competence in entrepreneurship and business development as well as incubation opportunities for projects and companies in life science.
As a national hub for molecular biosciences in Sweden, SciLifeLab develops and maintains unique research infrastructure, services and data resources for life science. SciLifeLab coordinates research communities in health and environmental science, recruitment and training of young scientists, and fosters collaboration with industry, health care, public research organizations and international partners. The overall aim of SciLifeLab is to facilitate cutting-edge, multi-disciplinary life science research and promote its translation to the benefit of society.
Colibri Ventures
The Clinical Talks series is also sponsored and brought to you by Colibri Ventures.
Colibri Ventures primarily supports and invests in commercialization of ground breaking discoveries, driven by entrepreneurial talent that has the potential to build tomorrow’s world class life science companies.