Expertise and technologies mobilized around seven research themes
To facilitate internationally competitive, cutting-edge collaborative research, SciLifeLab supports seven Research Community Programs – networks that connect top researchers across Sweden with each other and with the SciLifeLab infrastructure.
With the aim of forming new links between infrastructures and researchers, engaging established and young PIs to work together, and bringing together a critical mass of expertise across universities all over Sweden, the first seven Research Community Programs (RCPs) have been approved, through an open call process.
The RCPs will receive one MSEK/year over a three-year period for coordination, scientific interaction and community-building around their respective research areas. The RCPs are starting on January 1st 2019 and will remain as open communities, where PIs from all Swedish universities are eligible to participate and new technologies will be included.
“I am delighted that we have approved funding to the seven first RCPs and thereby defined key scientific areas across the SciLifeLab community”, says Olli Kallioniemi, Director of SciLifeLab. “Our infrastructure will continue to be open and accessible to all scientists in all areas. However, these and future RCPs represent a new way to connect the best scientists in the country with each other and with the SciLifeLab infrastructure.”
The seven first Research Community Programs, starting in January 2019:
- Biology of Molecular Interactions
- The Human Protein Atlas
- Large-scale clinical genomics and complex diseases
- Human Cell Atlas and Spatial Omics Profiling
- Aquatic Microbiome Research Initiative
- Phenotypic Drug Discovery in Human Disease
- Swedish Tumor Microenvironment (STorM) Program
More information: Research Community Programs